提示:↑点击上方"世界烘焙配方"快速关注cription-url="https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/PR7JPt3C5zawKVqAvnVjgkJkKicO3wLSfvxkngAAoDWUqJLBBmuPX3tz9EErvItMfV2IGR6HnCYhZnibRA6KM6Ww/0?wx_fmt.jpeg" data-cropselx1="0" data-cropselx2="578" data-cropsely1="0" data-cropsely2="655" data-ratio="1.25" data-s="300,640" src="http://www.yinpinjie.com/file/upload/202212/23/114229891.jpeg" data-type="jpeg" data-w="1080" >今见韩国强力女chefEunyoung Yun(下图,中)秋意浓·黄金杏看图就知道不会很麻烦妥妥的实用派!7es5☜今日配方下载提取码每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“阅读原文”点击进入均可下载当日配方、视频或图片文件,省去大家自己复制黏贴的麻烦,配方文件无任何水印设置;“提取码”因近日度娘抽风搞怪,暂不提供无码下载服务,只能按她的规矩来,所以下载之前先把这个“提取码”复制一下~另外,部分地区可能因为某些不可抗原因导致无法直接点击阅读原文,可以在文末的【置顶留言】中找到链接和提取码。三生有杏APRICOT TARTByEunyoung Yun (GARUHARU)配方量:15个 (直径7 cm)沙布列挞壳【450.9克】 86 克……黄油163 克……中筋面粉 82 克……糖粉0.9 克……盐 48 克……全蛋 12 克……杏仁粉 12 克……粗粒小麦粉(semoling) 47 克……玉米淀粉制作:1、全部材料均需为低温状态。2、将中筋粉和切丁黄油(2CM大小)放入搅拌机中,用扁桨搅打至形成均匀松散的砂砾状态。3、将剩余的其他材料加入,继续搅拌至大致均匀的面团状(不要过度搅拌)。4、将之倒在工作台上,整理成均匀球形,散开的部分适当用刮片整理收回。5、保鲜膜密封,冷藏松弛至少3小时。6、擀压至1.5毫米厚度,并裁切为圆形,铺入直径7CM的挞模内。7、入烤箱以160℃烘烤15分钟,出炉,刷“涂刷蛋液”,再次放入烤箱烘烤5分钟。涂刷蛋液【135克】75 克……稀奶油60 克……蛋黄制作:1、将稀奶油与蛋黄充分搅拌均匀并过滤。2、装入喷枪,喷在挞壳内外壁均匀一薄层。龙蒿杏仁奶油馅【318克】90 克……杏仁粉70 克……糖粉80 克……全蛋 2 克……龙蒿叶13 克……玉米粉15 克……黄油24 克……蛋白24 克……细砂糖制作:1、将蛋白在搅拌缸中打发。2、搅拌同时将细砂糖分3-4次加入。3、持续打发至形成光亮的鸡尾状蛋白霜。4、将全蛋与龙蒿叶(鲜)用均质机/搅拌棒搅拌混合均匀。5、将杏仁粉、糖粉加入混合打发。6、顺序加入过筛的玉米淀粉和融化的黄油(55-60℃)搅拌均匀。7、分两次拌入“步骤3”的蛋白霜。8、每个挞壳内挤入15克,放入烤箱以160℃烘烤约15分钟(至8分熟)。9、表面摆满杏子果肉片,再继续以160℃烘烤15分钟。杏桃啫喱【248.7克】 53 克……桃子果茸124 克……杏子果茸 27 克……柠檬汁 41 克……细砂糖3.7 克……琼脂粉制作:1、将两种果茸和柠檬汁在厚底平底锅中加热至45℃。2、将细砂糖和琼脂粉拌匀加入,煮沸。3、冷藏至凝固。4、用手持均质机/搅拌棒搅打至柔顺的啫喱状。杏子馅【414克】220 克……杏(去皮去核) 15 克……橄榄油176 克……杏桃啫喱(配方↑) 1 克……芫荽籽/香菜籽 2 克……龙蒿叶(鲜)制作:1、将杏子去核后切成1CM的块状,刷橄榄油,入烤箱以250℃烘烤约2分钟。2、出炉后搅拌至完全冷却,加入切碎的龙蒿叶、磨碎的芫荽籽/香菜籽和“杏桃啫喱”搅拌均匀。3、挤在烤熟并冷却的挞壳内的“龙蒿杏仁奶油馅”表面,抹平,冷冻。吉利丁冻【60克】10 克……吉利丁粉(200Bloom)50 克……水制作:1、将比例为1:5的吉利丁粉与冷水混合室温静置。2、约20-30分钟后,会形成果冻状,将之切割为1-2CM的小丁状,便于随时取用。3、冷藏可以储存14天,冷冻则可以储存90天。杏子马斯卡彭打发奶油【405.2克】 65 克……杏子果茸7.2 克……吉利丁冻 72 克……35%白巧克力(Ivoire 35%)183 克……稀奶油 78 克……马斯卡彭乳酪制作:1、将稀奶油加热至40℃,加入吉利丁冻拌融。2、倒在融化至35℃的白巧克力中,用手持均质机充分搅拌乳化。3、加入35℃的杏子果茸,继续搅拌乳化。4、最后将马斯卡彭乳酪加入搅拌均匀。5、冷藏隔夜(12小时),使用时打发。6、打发后,挤入直径4CM的半球形硅胶模具内至1/2满,用小汤匙将中心位置压出个小圆坑,挤入3克“杏桃啫喱”。7、然后继续挤满“杏子马斯卡彭打发奶油”,抹平,冷冻。橙色淋面【298.5克】 72 克……水168 克……杏子果茸4.5 克……NH果胶粉 20 克……细砂糖 34 克……玉米糖浆适量克……橙色食用色素(天然)制作:1、将水、果茸和天然色素放入厚底平底锅中加热至45℃。2、将细砂糖和NH果胶粉拌匀,加入。3、将玉米糖浆加入,煮沸。4、降温至65℃,用手持均质机充分搅拌乳化至细腻光亮顺滑。组装&装饰1、将冷冻的半球形“杏子马斯卡彭打发奶油”脱模,淋面。2、放在冷冻的挞表面正中心位置。3、将杏子果肉瓣上涂刷少量橄榄油,环绕摆在淋面的“杏子马斯卡彭打发奶油”周围。4、最后顶部装饰一片可食用绿色嫩叶完成。喜欢原汁原味继续CHEF的英文版7es5☜今日配方下载提取码每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“阅读原文”点击进入均可下载当日配方、视频或图片文件,省去大家自己复制黏贴的麻烦,配方文件无任何水印设置;“提取码”因近日度娘抽风搞怪,暂不提供无码下载服务,只能按她的规矩来,所以下载之前先把这个“提取码”复制一下~另外,部分地区可能因为某些不可抗原因导致无法直接点击阅读原文,可以在文末的【置顶留言】中找到链接和提取码。APRICOT TARTByEunyoung Yun (GARUHARU)for:15 ea (φ 7 cm)PÂTE À SABLÉ 86 g dry butter163 g all-purpose flour 82 g powdered sugar0.9 g salt 48 g whole eggs 12 g almond powder 12 g semoling (medium grind) 47 g starchprocedure:1.All ingredients should be prepared cold.2.In a food processor, add all-purpose flour and dry butter cut to 2 cm cubes.Grind until the mixture resembles coarse sand.3.Add rest of the ingredients and continue mixing until the dough becomes somewhat homogeneous.4.Place the dough on the worktable and knead to form a boll.Using a scraper, spread the dough as if to push away, to mix the ingredients evenly.5.Wrap the finished dough with plastic wrap to prevent from drying, and store in fridge to rest at least 3 hours.6.Roll out to 1.5 mm, and shape to desired size to bake.7.If baking-type fillings are filled, bake until the shells are light brown.15 minutes at 160℃ (50% baked) - spray egg wash - 5 minutes at 160℃ (80% baked).EGG WASH75 g fresh cream60 g egg yolksprocedure:1.Thoroughly mix fresh cream and egg yolks.2.Use spray gun or brush to apply thinly on the tarte shells.LIGHT ALMOND CREAM WITH TARRAGON AROMA90 g almond powder70 g powdered sugar80 g whole eggs 2 g tarragon leaves13 g starch15 g butter24 g egg whites24 g sugarprocedure:1.Whip egg whites in a mixing bowl.2.Continue to whip, gradually adding sugar in 3-4 times.3.Whip until the meringue forms elastic peaks and bends slightly when the whisk is lifted.4.In a bowl, mix whole eggs and tarragon leaves using a hand blender.5.Whisk in almond powder and powdered sugar, and whip.6.Mix with sifted starch and then butter melted to 55-60℃ in order.7.Fold in the meringue in 2 times.8.Pipe 15 g of light almond cream with tarragon aroma in 80% baked tart shells.9.Top with apricot segment and bake for 15 minutes at 160℃.APRICOT & PEACH GEL 53 g peach purée124 g apricot purée 27 g lemon juice 41 g sugar3.7 g agar-agarprocedure:1.In a saucepan, heat peach purée, apricot purée and lemon juice to 45℃.2.Stir in previously thoroughly mixed sugar and agar-agar and heat until it boils.3.Store in fridge to set.4.Blend with a hand blender until it turns into a soft gel.APRICOT FILLING220 g apricots 15 g olive oil176 g Apricot & peach gel 1 g coriander seeds 2 g tarragon leavesprocedure:1. Toss apricots diced in 1 cm cubes in moderate amount of olive oil and bake for about 2 minutes at 250℃.2.Mix completely cooled and diced apricots, finely chopped tarragon leaves, ground coriander seeds and apricot & peach gel.3.Top it off with finished apricot filling on light almond cream with tarragon aroma. Freeze completely.GELATIN MASS10 g powdered gelatin (200 Bloom)50 g waterprocedure:1.Scale powdered gelatin and water in ratio of 1:5.2.Mix powdered gelatin and water.3.When the gelatin is set, cut into moderate size to use.4.It can be stored about 2 weeks in refrigerator, and 3 months in freezer.APRICOT & MASCARPONE WHIPPED CREAM 65 g apricot purée7.2 g gelatin mass (1:5) 72 g white chocolate (Ivoire 35%)183 g fresh cream 78 g mascarpone cheeseprocedure:1.Mix fresh cream heated to 40℃ and melted gelatin.2.Pour over white chocolate melted to 35℃, and mix with a hand blender.3.Mix with apricot purée warmed to 35℃.4.Add mascarpone cheese and continue mixing.5.Rest in fridge for 12 hours. Whip to use.6.Fill 50% of 4 cm diameter half-sphere shells silicone molds with apricot & mascarpone whipped cream. Concave the center with a spoon.Pipe about 3 g of finished apricot & peach gel in the very center of the molds.7.Top it off with apricot and mascarpone whipped cream again. Even out the surface with a spatula and store in freezer until completely frozen.ORANGE GLAZE 72 g water168 g apricot purée4.5 g pectin NH 20 g sugar 34 g corn syrup qs g orange natural food colorprocedure:1.In a saucepan, heat water, apricot purée and orange natural food color until 45℃.2.Stir in previously mixed pectin NH and sugar.3.Add corn syrup and continue to heat until it boils.4.To use, set the glaze to 65℃, and mix thoroughly using a hand blender.ASSEMBLY & FINISH1.Remove the frozen apricot & mascarpone whipped cream from the molds and glaze the cream.2.Place on the center of the tartes.3.Coat segment apricots with little bit of olive oil.Place around the edge of the tartes.4.Decorate with herbs to finish.表走开,看彩蛋哦~—▼传送门 · 戳下图·更多图▼—关注“世界烘焙配方”sjhbpf进入世界顶级烘焙殿堂!全球最新烘焙资料、最炫蛋糕图片、最时尚面包大师作品,全球名店产品展示,最详尽的配方食谱!点击阅读原文,传送至下载链接(百度云盘)转载请标注:转自微信公众号:世界烘焙配方戳一下在看嘛~你又不会怀孕! 预览时标签不可点