提示:↑点击上方"世界烘焙配方"快速关注cription-url="https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/PR7JPt3C5zawKVqAvnVjgkJkKicO3wLSfvxkngAAoDWUqJLBBmuPX3tz9EErvItMfV2IGR6HnCYhZnibRA6KM6Ww/0?wx_fmt.jpeg" data-cropselx1="0" data-cropselx2="578" data-cropsely1="0" data-cropsely2="561" data-ratio="1" data-s="300,640" src="http://www.yinpinjie.com/file/upload/202301/30/120314241.jpeg" data-type="jpeg" data-w="1080" />帅锅chef Clement Le Deore(下图)作品!制作步骤视频如下,看完视频继续看详细配方~5w2m☜今日配方下载提取码每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“阅读原文”点击进入均可下载当日配方、视频或图片文件,省去大家自己复制黏贴的麻烦,配方文件无任何水印设置;“提取码”因近日度娘抽风搞怪,暂不提供无码下载服务,只能按她的规矩来,所以下载之前先把这个“提取码”复制一下~另外,部分地区可能因为某些不可抗原因导致无法直接点击阅读原文,可以在文末的【置顶留言】中找到链接和提取码。热带魔方EXOTIC CUBESBy Clement Le Deore椰子慕斯【1035克】 35 克……吉利丁冻(1:6) 50 克……椰子酒(Malibu®)500 克……椰子果溶150 克……意式蛋白霜300 克……淡奶油(打发)制作:1、将吉利丁冻融化后与椰子利口酒拌匀。2、将椰子果溶加热至25℃,加入“步骤1”的椰子吉利丁混合液拌匀。3、再将意式蛋白霜加入拌匀,最后将轻度打发的淡奶油加入拌匀。百香果白巧克力夹心【300克】200 克……百香果果溶100 克……白巧克力制作:1、将百香果果溶加热至65℃,冲入到融化的白巧克力中。2、用手持均质机充分搅拌至细腻顺滑状态,倒入3x3x1厘米的硅胶模具中,冷冻。百香果奶油夹心【265克】 50 克……全蛋 30 克……蛋黄 20 克……细砂糖110 克……百香果果溶 15 克……吉利丁冻(1:6) 40 克……无盐黄油制作:1、将全蛋、蛋黄和细砂糖在一个搅拌缸中搅打均匀。2、将百香果果溶在厚底平底锅中加热至40℃,将“步骤1”加入,搅拌并加热至83℃。3、离火,将吉利丁冻加入拌融。4、降温至36℃,加入切丁的冷藏黄油,用手持均质机充分搅拌乳化至细腻顺滑。5、倒在冷冻的3x3x1厘米的硅胶模具中,冷冻。椰子达克瓦兹【667克】200 克……蛋白 65 克……细砂糖130 克……椰蓉 53 克……杏仁粉186 克……糖粉 33 克……中筋面粉制作:1、将蛋白和细砂糖在搅拌缸中搅打至软尖峰/鸡尾状。2、将其他干粉类材料搅入,用胶刮刀搅拌均匀。3、倒入硅胶烤盘(25x35x2cm,Flexipan®)内,抹平,撒适量椰蓉,入烤箱以170℃烘烤约15分钟。4、出炉冷却后,裁切为4x4cm的方形待用。饼干底【590克】150 克……无盐黄油(室温软化) 2 克……盐 95 克……糖粉 33 克……杏仁粉265 克……中筋面粉 45 克……全蛋制作:1、将软化的黄油、盐、糖粉、杏仁粉和中筋面粉在搅拌缸中搅打混合,然后加入全蛋液搅拌均匀(注意不要过度搅拌),保鲜膜覆盖冷藏。2、在两张烘焙油纸或透明OPP之间擀压为3毫米的均匀厚度,然后裁切为6x6厘米的方形。3、放在烤盘的硅胶烤垫上,入烤炉以170℃烘烤约10分钟。4、冷却后,边缘和上表面刷金粉。橙色镜面淋面【1350克】150 克……水300 克……细砂糖300 克……葡萄糖浆100 克……吉利丁冻(1:6)200 克……炼乳300 克……白巧克力适量克……橙色食用色素制作:1、将水、细砂糖和葡萄糖浆在厚底平底锅中加热至103℃。2、离火,加入吉利丁冻、白巧克力和炼乳,用手持均质机充分搅拌乳化,将色素加入再次搅拌乳化,注意不要搅入气泡,保鲜膜贴面密封冷藏隔夜。3、使用时回温至35℃。白色天鹅绒喷砂【410克】200 克……白巧克力200 克……可可脂 10 克……白色色粉/二氧化钛制作:1、将全部材料混合融化至65℃,过细筛滤掉颗粒,装入巧克力喷枪(使用1.4毫米口径的喷嘴)。2、在30厘米左右的距离处均匀的喷在刚刚脱模的冷冻的慕斯上。组装&装饰适量……金箔纸制作:1、将“椰子慕斯”挤入5x5方形硅胶模具内约1/3满,放入冷冻脱模的“百香果白巧克力夹心”。2、再继续挤入“椰子慕斯”至模具的2/3满,放入冷冻脱模的“百香果奶油夹心”,然后继续挤入适量“椰子慕斯”,最后盖上一片4x4厘米的方形“椰子达克瓦兹”蛋糕并抹平整,冷冻。3、完全冻结后,脱模,放在网架上,喷35℃的“白色天鹅绒喷砂”,然后冷冻待平面。4、将“橙色镜面淋面”回温加热至35℃,用手持均质机再次搅拌至顺滑并消除可能存在的气泡,以对角方式淋在冷冻喷砂的方形慕斯一半表面上。5、最后将之放在6x6厘米的方形“饼干底”上,顶部装饰适量食用金箔纸完成。喜欢原汁原味继续CHEF的英文版5w2m☜今日配方下载提取码每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“阅读原文”点击进入均可下载当日配方、视频或图片文件,省去大家自己复制黏贴的麻烦,配方文件无任何水印设置;“提取码”因近日度娘抽风搞怪,暂不提供无码下载服务,只能按她的规矩来,所以下载之前先把这个“提取码”复制一下~另外,部分地区可能因为某些不可抗原因导致无法直接点击阅读原文,可以在文末的【置顶留言】中找到链接和提取码。EXOTIC CUBESBy Clement Le DeoreCOConUT MOUSSE 35 g gelatin mass 50 g Malibu coconut liqueur500 g coconut purée150 g Italian meringue300 g heavy cream,whipped to soft peaksProcedure:1.Gently melt the gelatin mass and combine it with the Malibu liqueru.2.Warm the coconut purée to 25℃ and whisk it into the gelatin mixture.3.Fold in the Italian meringue, then gently fold in the whipped cream.PASSION FRUIT-WHITE CHOCOLATE INSERT200 g passion fruit purée100 g white chocolateProcedure:1.Warm the passion fruit purée to 65℃ and pour it into the white chocolate.2.Mix until combined, then pour into a 3x3x1 cm molds and freeze.PASSION FRUIT CRÉMEUX INSERT 50 g whole eggs 30 g egg yolks 20 g granulated sugar110 g passion fruit purée 15 g gelatin mass 40 g unsalted butterProcedure:1.In a bowl, whisk together the eggs,egg yolks and sugar.2.In a saucepan, warm the passion fruit purée to 40℃, then add the egg preparation to it. Cook, stirring constantly, to 83℃.3.Remove from the heat and whisk in the gelatin.4.Allow to cool down to 36℃ and emulsify with a hand blender, adding the butter in pieces.5.Pour the crémeux into the mold with the Passion Fruit and White Chocolate and freeze.DACQUOISE COCO200 g egg whites 65 g granulated sugar130 g coconute powder 53 g almond flour186 g confectioners' sugar 33 g all-purpose flourProcedure:1.In a mixing bowl, whisk the egg whites with the sugar to medium peaks.2.Using a spatula, gently fold in the dry ingredients.3.Spread the batter out onto a 25x35x2 cm Flexipan sheet and bake at 170℃ for 15 minutes.4.Cool completely, then cut into 4x4 cm squares.SUGAR DOUGH150 g unsalted butter,softened 2 g salt 95 g confectioners' sugar 33 g almond flour265 g all-purpose flour 45 g whole eggsProcedure:1.In a mixing bowl fitted with paddle attachment, mix together the softened butter, salt, confectioners' sugar, almond flour and all-purpose flour. Add the eggs and mix to blend, without over-working the dough. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and chill.2.Roll the dough out to 3mm and cut out sixteen 6 cm squares from it.3.Place the squares on s silicone baking mat and bake at 170℃ for 10 minutes.4.Cool, then brush them with edible gold dust.ORANGE GLAZE150 g water300 g granulated sugar300 g glucose100 g gelatin mass200 g condensed milk300 g white chocolate qs g orange food coloringProcedure:1.Put the water, sugar and glucose in a pan and cook to 103℃.2.Remove from the heat and stir in the gelatin mass, white chocolate and condensed milk. Emulsify with a hand blender and add the orange food coloring.Refrigerate overnight.3.Use at 35℃.VELVET EFFECT200 g white chocolate200 g cocoa butter 10 g titanium dioxideProcedrue:1.Melt everything together to 65℃, then psss through a fine-mesh sieve.Place it in a spray gun fitted with a 1.4 mm tip.2.When ready, remove the dessert from the freezer and spray it while holding the gun 30 cm away.ASSEMBLYqs g gold leafProcedure:1.Pipe 1/3 of the Cocount Mouse into the 5x5 cm molds, then add the Passion Fruit-White Chocolate Insert.2.Pipe 2/3 of the Coconut Mousse inthe molds,then add the Passion Fruit Crémeux Insert, cover it with the Coconut Mousse, and finally place the 4x4 cm square of Coconut Dacquoise on top and place in freezer.3.once frozen, unmold the cubes, place them on a rack and spray with the Velvet Effect spray. Return the desserts to the freezer before glazing.4.In the meantime, warm the glaze to 35℃ and emulsify with a handblender to remove the bubbles.Apply the glaze on the cubes.5.Place the cubes on the sugar dough squares and garnish with gold leaf.表走开,看彩蛋哦~—▼传送门 · 戳下图·有配方▼—关注“世界烘焙配方”sjhbpf进入世界顶级烘焙殿堂!全球最新烘焙资料、最炫蛋糕图片、最时尚面包大师作品,全球名店产品展示,最详尽的配方食谱!点击阅读原文,传送至下载链接(百度云盘)转载请标注:转自微信公众号:世界烘焙配方戳一下在看嘛~你又不会怀孕! 预览时标签不可点