
2022-06-23 责任编辑:FRANKE弗兰卡 311
Even closer to Chinese customers and partners更加贴近中国客户和合作伙伴02Franke Coffee Systems strengthens presence in Asia with their own company in China to further growth in this rising key market.弗兰卡咖啡机系统通过在中国自己的公司来加强在亚洲的影响力,借此以在这个不断增长的关键市场进一步发展。关于弗兰卡about FrankeFor over 100years, Franke has thrived on innovative engineering and outstanding design. Not only do we offer excellent products, but also tailor-made solutions for the complex needs of our customers.Everything we do should be unique – from the products wedevelop to the way we deal with our customers, partners, and employees.100多年来,弗兰卡一直在创新的工程和杰出的设计上蓬勃发展。我们不仅提供优秀的产品,而且为客户的复杂需求量身定做解决方案。我们所做的一切都应该是独一无二的,从我们开发的产品到我们与客户、合作伙伴和员工打交道的方式。关于弗兰卡咖啡机系统about Franke Coffee SystemsFranke Coffee Systems, a division of the Franke Group, is a world-leading solution provider of fully automatic coffee machines for professional coffee making. Our passion for the best coffee quality motivates us to elevate the customer experience through state-of-the-art innovations. Learn more at coffee.franke.com弗兰卡咖啡机系统, 是弗兰卡集团下的一个分支, 是提供用于制作专业咖啡的全自动咖啡机的全球领先解决方案供应商。我们对完美咖啡品质的热情促使我们通过最先进的创新提升客户体验。At Franke, we’re not just in the business of selling coffee machines. We’re in the business of creating wonderful coffee experiences for your customers.With our second-to-none expertise and experience within the coffee industry, we can help you provide the perfect in-cup quality while solving any challenges that stand in the way of your coffee business, no matter the scale of your ambition.Because, whatever business you’re in, we know it’s about more than coffee.It’s all about the moment. We can help you make it wonderful.Franke(弗兰卡)不仅从事咖啡机销售业务。我们还负责为您的顾客打造绝妙的咖啡体验。凭借我们在咖啡行业首屈一指的专业知识和经验,无论您志在何方,我们都可以帮助您在解决阻碍咖啡业务发展的任何挑战的同时,提供完美的咖啡杯中品质。因为,我们知道,无论您从事什么行业,重点都不仅仅在于咖啡本身。重点在于咖啡所有的意义。我们助您如虎添翼。Further strengthening its activities in the Chinese market and ensuring improved, targeted support for the needs of their local customers, Franke Coffee Systems has registered its own company in China with respective Franke employees.为了进一步加强在中国市场的业务并确保能对当地客户的需求提供更好的针对性支持,弗兰卡咖啡机系统已在中国由其员工注册了自己的公司。Franke thus guarantees that it continues to operate in close proximity to their market and that both end-customers and partners alike are able to rely on ideal service and support. The new organization sees customers and partners benefit from short communication channels and customer-centric, market-driven solutions.因此,弗兰卡保证可以继续与市场紧密合作,并确保最终客户和合作伙伴都能获得完美的服务和支持。这个新的组织架构让客户和合作伙伴能从更短的沟通渠道和以客户为中心,以市场为导向的解决方案中受益。"By growing our team in China, we aim to continue on our path to growth, while strengthening our sales and service activities. Asia is a very important region for us and we are pleased that we can now build on our previous successes with this new set-up in China,"states Marco Zancolò, CEO of Franke Coffee Systems. “随着我们在中国的团队不断壮大,我们将继续沿着增长道路前进,并加强我们的销售和服务活动。亚洲对我们来说是一个非常重要的地区,我们很高兴现在可以凭借这个在中国新的实体延续我们以前的成功。”弗兰卡咖啡机系统首席执行官Marco Zancolò说道。"The mission of our Franke Coffee Systems China team is to better assist our partners in serving the Chinese market, by providing the most suitable and comprehensive “local for local” solution," says Yong Han, Managing Director of Franke Coffee Systems China.“我们弗兰卡咖啡机系统中国团队的使命是通过提供最合适,最全面的“local for local”解决方案来更好地帮助我们的合作伙伴服务中国市场。”弗兰卡咖啡机系统中国董事总经理韩勇说道。图片来源:FRANKE弗兰卡OUR PLATFORM公众号网站网站 coffee.franke.com微信公众号FRANKE弗兰卡咖啡机系统ConTACT US媒体联系邮箱





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