名师配方 | 水果哥Cédric Grolet——红宝石“玫瑰人生”颜值巅峰(已打包·可下载)

2022-11-05 责任编辑:世界烘焙配方 518
昨日有童鞋询问水果哥Cédric Grolet(上图)的这个颜色超赞的蛋糕配方,今天整理好分享给大家,这颜值说“惊艳”不过分吧?模具是chef与Pavoni Italia的联名款,淘宝上就可以买到,模具名称:Pavoni Italia "La Vie ev Rose KE080"今日配方下载提取码:jb46每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“阅读原文”点击进入均可下载当日配方、视频或图片文件,省去大家自己复制黏贴的麻烦,配方文件无任何水印设置;“提取码”因近日度娘抽风搞怪,暂不提供无码下载服务,只能按她的规矩来,所以下载之前先把这个“提取码”复制一下~另外,部分地区可能因为某些不可抗原因导致无法直接点击阅读原文,可以在文末的【置顶留言】中找到链接和提取码。世界烘焙配方玫·瑰·人·生LA VIE EN ROSEByCédric Grolet泡芙海绵蛋糕【290克】10 克……牛奶25 克……黄油35 克……T45面粉45 克……全蛋40 克……蛋黄80 克……蛋白55 克……糖粉 5 个……草莓制作:1、将牛奶和黄油在厚底锅中煮沸。2、一次性加入面粉小火加热持续搅拌至面团脱离锅底和内壁。3、倒入搅拌缸中,用扁桨/叶桨搅打稍散热并除掉蒸汽,然后将全蛋液和蛋黄分三次加入。4、将蛋白打发为蛋白霜,糖粉分三次加入,打发至形成鸟嘴状。5、将此蛋白霜分三次加入到“步骤3”的面糊中拌匀。6、倒入模具(X3920 Pavoni Italia)内均匀薄薄一层,再放入几颗切半的草莓,放入已预热至165℃的烤箱内烘烤20-25分钟,出炉后自然冷却待用。香草白巧甘纳许【898克】352 克……稀奶油A(液态)353 克……稀奶油B(液态) 1 个……香草荚150 克……白巧克力(Ivory) 42 克……吉利丁冻(1:6)制作:1、提前一天将稀奶油A放入厚底锅中加热,将香草荚剖开刮籽放入,离火加盖焖浸10分钟。2、过滤后再次加热。3、倒入装有巧克力和吉利丁冻的量杯中搅拌均匀。4、最后将冷藏的液态稀奶油B加入用搅拌棒/手持均质机充分搅拌乳化均匀。5、保鲜膜贴面密封冷藏12小时。香草卡仕达奶油【271克】120 克……牛奶 20 克……稀奶油(液态) 1 个……香草荚 40 克……蛋黄 35 克……细砂糖 10 克……奶油粉(或玉米淀粉) 15 克……黄油 30 克……马斯卡彭干酪制作:1、将牛奶与液态稀奶油、剖开刮籽的香草荚放入厚底锅中加热煮沸,离火加盖焖浸10分钟。2、然后再次加热煮沸过滤。3、同时,将蛋黄与细砂糖、奶油粉(或玉米淀粉)搅打至泛白。4、冲入“步骤2”的热的液体拌匀。5、再次加热煮沸并持续2分钟(期间保持不间断搅拌)后,加入冷藏切丁黄油和马斯卡彭拌匀。外交官奶油【565克】 35 克……吉利丁冻(1:6)265 克……香草卡仕达奶油(配方↑)265 克……香草甘纳许(配方↑)制作:1、将融化的吉利丁冻与卡仕达奶油混合拌匀。2、将冷藏的香草甘纳许打发。3、分三次拌入到“步骤1”中。蒸煮草莓【330克】300 克……草莓 30 克……细砂糖制作:1、将草莓清洗并切块。2、放在盘中,表面撒细砂糖,然后盖上盖子。3、放入蒸烤箱内以100℃蒸烤75分钟。4、最后将蒸煮的草莓汁过滤,待用于制作草莓酱。草莓酱【753克】475 克……熟草莓 70 克……草莓汁(配方↑)145 克……细砂糖 50 克……葡萄糖浆 10 克……NH果胶粉 3 克……酒石酸(抗氧化)制作:1、将蒸煮草莓汁(配方↑)缓慢淋在草莓上,浸泡约30分钟。2、将剩余的其他材料混合拌匀加入,煮沸并持续1分钟。3、离火冷却待用。红宝石喷砂【201克】100 克……可可脂100 克……纯脂白巧克力 1 克……红宝石天然色粉(NCP05 Pavoni Italia,下图)制作:1、将可可脂加热融化后,倒在切碎的巧克力上。2、加入红宝石色粉,用搅拌棒/手持均质机充分搅拌乳化,降温至35℃时使用。组装与装饰1、将冷藏的“香草白巧甘纳许”打发。2、将鲜草莓洗净并切片待用。3、将冷却的“泡芙海绵蛋糕”脱模,放入另一个同样尺寸的慕斯圈内(衬入一层3.5CM高的透明PET塑料围边),注意模具的高度不得超过围边高度。4、在蛋糕上挤一层“外交官奶油”,接着再挤一层“草莓酱”。5、边缘继续挤入适量“外交官奶油”,用小抹刀将内壁均匀涂满,不要有气泡。6、在中间放入切块草莓、“蒸煮草莓汁”过滤后剩余的草莓、以及切小块的草莓啫喱,再用“草莓酱”将空隙处填满。7、用柠檬擦刀将青柠檬皮屑擦撒在表面。8、最厚用“外交官奶油”填满模具,并用抹刀抹平,冷冻4小时。9、将打发至细腻光滑的“香草白巧甘纳许”挤入模具(Pavoni Italia "La Vie ev Rose KE080",Ø 18CM, H 45CM)底部和内壁边缘。10、将冷冻脱模的“步骤8”当做夹层放入,最厚继续用“香草白巧甘纳许”填满模具,抹平,冷冻6小时左右至完全冻结。11、轻轻脱模后,用巧克力喷枪将“红宝石喷砂”均匀喷在表面,注意凹下位置也要均匀喷到。12、冷藏缓慢自然解冻6小时后食用。继续chef的英文版今日配方下载提取码:jb46每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“阅读原文”点击进入均可下载当日配方、视频或图片文件,省去大家自己复制黏贴的麻烦,配方文件无任何水印设置;“提取码”因近日度娘抽风搞怪,暂不提供无码下载服务,只能按她的规矩来,所以下载之前先把这个“提取码”复制一下~另外,部分地区可能因为某些不可抗原因导致无法直接点击阅读原文,可以在文末的【置顶留言】中找到链接和提取码。世界烘焙配方LA VIE EN ROSEBy Cédric GroletBISCUIT PÂTE À CHOUX10 g milk25 g butter35 g flour T4545 g eggs40 g yolks80 g egg white55 g sugar powder 5 u strawberriesProcess:1.In a saucepan bring milk and butter to a boil.2.Add the flour then stir over low heat until the dough is easily detached from the walls.3.Put it in a batter's bowl with leaf.Stir to remove water vapor, then gradually add eggs and egg yolks in three times.4.Beat the egg whites until stiff, adding the sugar three times.The meringue is ready when it forms a "bird's beak".5.Incorporated it three times in the pâte à choux until a smooth and homogeneous mixture is obtained.6.Wrap a thin layer of biscuit in a round band of 20 cm X3920 Pavoni Italia.7.Add the strawberries cut in half in the dough, then bake in the oven at 165°C for 20-25 minutes and let cool.VANILLA GANACHE352 g liquid cream (1)353 g liquid cream (2) 1 u vanilla pod150 g white chocolate 42 g gelatin massProcess:1.The day before in a saucepan heat half the cream.Add the vanilla chopped and grated. Leave to infuse for about 10 minutes.2.Heat the mixture again before switching to the strainer.3.Pour over the chopped chocolate and gelatin.4.Mix to obtain an homogenous ganache incorporating the remaining cream.5.Leave to cool for 12 hours.VANILLA CUSTARD CREAM120 g milk 20 g liquid cream 1 u vanilla pod 40 g yolks 35 g granulated sugar 10 g cream powder 15 g butter 30 g mascarponeProcess:1.In a saucepan bring to a boil the milk and cream with the vanilla split and grated and leave in infusion out of the heat and covered for about 10 minutes.2.Bring it back to the boil and switch to the strainer.3.In parallel in a cul de ppule whiten the yolks with sugar and cream powder.4.Pour over the boiling mixture.5.Let it boil for 2 minutes stirring constantly then add butter and mascarpone.DIPLOMATIC CREAM 35 g gelatin mass265 g vanilla custard265 g vanilla ganacheProcess:1.In a cul de poule mix the melted gelatin mass with the custard.2.Whip the ganache with an electric beater.3.Incorporate it in three times in the mixture of vanilla custard.AGED STRAWBERRIES FOR JAM300 g strawberries 30 g granulated sugarProcess:1.Wash and cut strawberries.2.Place them in a dish and sprinkle with sugar.Cover with a lid.3.Bake in a steam oven at 100°C for about 1 hour and 15 minutes.4.Store the cooking juice to make the gel.STRAWBERRY JAM475 g ripe of strawberries 70 g strawberry juice145 g granulated sugar 50 g glucose 10 g pectin NH 3 g tartaric acidProcess:1.Macerate the strawberries by gradually adding the strawberry juice for about 30 minutes.2.Add the rest of the ingredients, mix and bring to the boil for 1 minute.3.Allow to cool.RUBY SPRAY100 g cocoa butter100 g white chocolate 1 g natural red dye powder NCP05 Pavoni ItaliaProcess:1.In a saucepan melt the cocoa butter, then pour it on the chopped chocolate.2.Mix with the dye until a homogeneous mixture is obtained and store it at 35°C.ASSEMBLY1.Beat the ganache with an electric beater.2.Wash and dry the strawberries and cut into thin strips.3.Gently remove the cookie circle.Place it in a new circle of the same diameter surrounded by a strip of rhodoid leaf of 3,5 cm BB35 Pavoni Italia.The mounting shall not exceed 3,5 cm in height.4.With a pocket cover the biscuit with a thin layer of diplomatic cream and over a layer of strawberry jam.5.All around cover with a crown of cream then smooth the edges with a small platte so as to have full contours.6.In the middle of the cake arrange the strawberries, the aged strawberries, the strawberry gel cubes and fill the spaces with strawberry jam.7.Grate the lime peel with a microplane.8.Complete with cream to the rhodoid and smooth to the palette.Keep in the freezer for about 4 hours.9.Assemble the ganache with an electric beater.Cook the ganache on the bottom and adges of the mould Pavoni Italia "La Vie ev Rose KE080".10.Place the insert in the middle.Complete the ganache spaces and smooth the palette.Place everything in the freezer for about 6 hours.11.Gently disassemble then spary the cake with a gun so as to cover it harmoniously.17.Let cool 6 hours before tasting.戳下图·有配方·可穿越关注“世界烘焙配方”sjhbpf进入世界顶级烘焙殿堂!全球最新烘焙资料、最炫蛋糕图片、最时尚面包大师作品,全球名店产品展示,最详尽的配方食谱! 预览时标签不可点






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名师配方 | 水果哥Cédric Grolet——红宝石“玫瑰人生”颜值巅峰(已打包·可下载) 颜值高,味道好,待客拿它准没错! 淋面后千万不能碰?今天这个配方可以碰,而且低糖!!(已打包·可下载) 又软又糯又拉丝, 种口感一口沦陷,还免烤,真省心! 创意生成器——Amaury Guichon刚刚做了个包包,不是翻糖哦(已打包·可下载) 平底锅分钟就能做,外酥里糯还香甜,咬一口会拉丝,一盘不够分! 装B配方,必须学会!(已打包·可下载) 随便炒炒,难度,咸香微辣,超级下饭 店里要上新了?试试这款“梦龙腰果蛋糕”——来自Richard Hawke(已打包·可下载) 你敢信?路边抓一把草,竟能做出解暑神器! 接地气的老百姓面包店——神户パンジロー超优惠人气面包店(已打包·可下载) 小红书几万人馋它!在家一拌就成,糯叽叽奶乎乎谁吃谁爱! 火爆烘焙圈,材料搅一搅,零失败,小巧可爱,吃过都夸! 谁说淋面只有巧克力的?果泥做的镜面淋面更炫彩自然!(已打包·可下载) 清甜不醉人,一口糯叽叽又绵沙沙的,分分钟干掉一杯! 【二】谁说淋面只有巧克力的?果泥做的镜面淋面更炫彩自然,又三个!(已打包·可下载) 温故知新丨你以为冰淇淋蛋糕只是蛋糕抹冰淇淋么?太天真……! 法式咸挞丨快手、好吃又好卖,有手就会! 免烤箱的“蓝天白云”,咬一口清甜不腻冰冰凉! 爽!!狐狸哥Yann Couvreur视频教学“SABLÉ DIAMANTS”(已打包·可下载)

