重量级配方“玄米绿茶闪电泡芙”~首尔爆火人气闪电泡芙店Éclair by Garuharu店内配方(已打包·可下载)
提示:↑点击上方"世界烘焙配方"快速关注cription-url="https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/PR7JPt3C5zawKVqAvnVjgkJkKicO3wLSfvxkngAAoDWUqJLBBmuPX3tz9EErvItMfV2IGR6HnCYhZnibRA6KM6Ww/0?wx_fmt.jpeg" data-cropselx1="0" data-cropselx2="578" data-cropsely1="0" data-cropsely2="747" data-ratio="0.74921875" data-s="300,640" src="http://www.yinpinjie.com/file/upload/202310/28/112022311.jpeg" data-type="jpeg" data-w="1280" />Éclair by Garuharu,首尔的人气闪电泡芙店,位于首尔市龙山区区梨泰院洞247-9,你去首尔梨泰院玩的时候就可能有路过此处,曾经路过却没进去吃一顿是不是颇为遗憾今天的我们要分享的配方就是店内的颇有特色的“玄米绿茶闪电泡芙”(BROWN RICE GREEN TEA ÉCLAIR),淋面也不再局限于法式的那种fandon糖了,你也可以按此做出高逼格的与众不同的闪电淋面了——闪电泡芙无非就是2个难点:泡芙如何能漂亮完美的形状,淋面能如何光彩照人又好吃——这个配方完全可以满足你话说如果做一家闪电泡芙专门店还是很不错滴,最起码竞争鸭梨小很多,因为玩得转的人不多~先看视频,然后撸配方!p74f☜今日配方下载提取码每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“阅读原文”点击进入均可下载当日配方、视频或图片文件,省去大家自己复制黏贴的麻烦,配方文件无任何水印设置;“提取码”因近日度娘抽风搞怪,暂不提供无码下载服务,只能按她的规矩来,所以下载之前先把这个“提取码”复制一下~另外,部分地区可能因为某些不可抗原因导致无法直接点击阅读原文,可以在文末的【置顶留言】中找到链接和提取码。玄米绿茶闪电泡芙BROWN RICE GREEN TEA ECLAIRBy GARUHARU(Yun Eunyoung)配方量:15个闪电泡芙【2000克】(56个,长度12cm)362 克【18.10%】……水316 克【15.80%】……牛奶338 克【16.90%】……黄油 20 克【 1.00%】……细砂糖 10 克【 0.50%】……盐338 克【16.90%】……中筋面粉616 克【30.80%】……全蛋制作:1、将水、牛奶、黄油、砂糖和盐放入厚底平底锅中加热至黄油完全融化并煮沸。2、离火,将过筛的中筋面粉加入并搅拌至形成面团。3、重新再次加热并保持不间断快速搅拌,直至面团呈光亮感并在锅底出现薄薄的薄膜层。4、将面团倒入搅拌缸中,用扁桨低速搅打使之降温至44-60℃。5、将全蛋在另一个容器中搅打均匀(注意不是打发,搅匀即可),分次少量的加入到面糊中搅拌至完全吸收。6、用圆形齿形花嘴在烤盘上挤12cm长度,入烤箱烘烤。如果是平炉,则上火190℃/下火190℃先烤5分钟,然后下火降温至170℃再继续烘烤50分钟;如果是风炉,则先预热至160℃,然后以160℃直接烘烤30分钟。注意烘烤期间不要打开烤箱。梅酒啫喱【500克】415 克【83.00%】……梅宝酒(maesil wine) 13 克【 2.60%】……西柚汁(yuzu juice) 66 克【18.20%】……细砂糖 6 克【 1.20%】……琼脂粉制作;1、将梅宝酒在厚底平底锅中加热煮沸至酒精蒸发掉,继续加热直至重量浓缩至315克。2、将西柚汁加入拌匀,再将提前拌匀在一起的细砂糖和琼脂粉加入拌匀,继续加热并搅拌煮沸,离火倒入盆中放入冰箱冷藏。3、冷却后用手持均质机(Bamix®)充分搅拌直至其变为软啫喱状。※梅宝酒(maesil wine),淘宝就买得到,品牌不用完全一致,味道大致都差不多,除非你特别钟爱某个牌子的:玄米绿茶奶油【700克】 53 克【 7.57%】……蛋黄 74 克【10.57%】……细砂糖 24 克【 3.43%】……淀粉412 克【58.86%】……牛奶0.5 个【 0.07%】……香草荚2.5 克【 0.36%】……绿茶粉 6 克【 0.86%】……玄米绿茶128 克……黄油制作:1、将蛋黄、37克细砂糖及玉米淀粉搅打混合均匀。2、在厚底平底锅中将牛奶、剩余的37克细砂糖、香草荚(剖开刮籽)和抹茶粉混合加热煮沸,加入玄米绿茶(brown rice green tea)加盖离火闷浸。3、将热的闷浸的液体过滤后缓慢冲入“步骤1”的蛋糊中拌匀。4、然后过滤回到厚底平底锅中,加热煮沸。5、离火降温至45℃。6、将室温切丁黄油加入,用手持均质机搅拌乳化均匀。7、冷藏12小时/隔夜待用。※玄米绿茶(brown ice green tea):淘宝有售,直接搜中文名或英文或韩语都可以的~抹茶闪电淋面【736克】183 克【24.86%】……新鲜的淡奶油 73 克【 9.92%】……玉米糖浆 42 克【 5.71%】……吉利丁液(1:5)231 克【31.39%】……33%白巧克力(Opalys 33%)207 克【28.13%】……代脂巧克力适量克【 0.00%】……绿茶粉制作:1、将淡奶油与玉米糖浆混合加热煮沸,加入吉利丁拌匀。2、倒在融化至35℃的白巧克力和代脂巧克力上,用手持均质机充分搅拌乳化至细腻。3、加入绿茶粉,继续搅拌乳化均匀,冷藏12小时。4、使用时,重新加热回温至30℃,用手持均质机再次乳化至光滑细腻状。玄米绿茶巧克力片适量……33%白巧克力(Opalys 33%)适量……可可脂适量……绿茶粉适量……玄米绿茶制作:1、将一小部分融化调温的白巧克力与绿茶粉混合搅拌均匀。2、在两张软质塑料片之间擀压成均匀薄片状。3、卷在圆形亚克力管(直径3cm左右)上。4、放置待其自然凝固结晶后剥离亚克力管,松开软质塑料片使结晶的巧克力自然裂开,轻轻移除塑料片使巧克力片保持自然裂痕的弧形状。冷冻30分钟。5、再将一部分的白巧克力与等量可可脂融化混合,加入绿茶粉调至与巧克力片颜色基本一致的颜色。6、用手持均质机充分搅拌均匀。7、装入喷枪喷在冷冻的巧克力片上成细微的绒状,然后用镊子放上适量玄米绿茶。组装&装饰1、用小圆花嘴在烤熟冷却的闪电泡芙底部(平面)均匀距离戳3个小孔,将“玄米绿茶奶油”挤入泡芙内至约90%满。2、再将“梅酒啫喱”挤满剩余泡芙剩余的空间,并抹平清理3个小孔表面。3、将泡芙放入回温至30℃的“抹茶闪电淋面”中,约浸入1/3位置,轻轻倾斜提起,轻轻抹掉表面正中心位置多余的较厚的部分,再用手指轻轻沿着淋面边缘抹一圈,使淋面边缘整齐稳定,最后将装饰的“玄米绿茶巧克力片”放在顶部装饰完成。继续看CHEF原汁原味的英文版p74f☜今日配方下载提取码每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“阅读原文”点击进入均可下载当日配方、视频或图片文件,省去大家自己复制黏贴的麻烦,配方文件无任何水印设置;“提取码”因近日度娘抽风搞怪,暂不提供无码下载服务,只能按她的规矩来,所以下载之前先把这个“提取码”复制一下~另外,部分地区可能因为某些不可抗原因导致无法直接点击阅读原文,可以在文末的【置顶留言】中找到链接和提取码。BROWN RICE GREEN TEA ÉCLAIRBy GARUHARU(Yun Eunyoung)FOR: 15ÉCLAIRSPATE A CHOUX(for: 56 ea,12cm)362 g water316 g milk338 g butter 20 g sugar 10 g salt338 g all-purpose (medium) flour616 g whole eggsprocedure:1/ In a saucepan,heat water,milk,butter,sugar and salt,until butter is complettly melted and the mixture is boiling.2/ Remove from heat,and mix in sifted all-purpose flour until it forms one dough.3/ Put the saucepan back on the heat,and keep stirring quickly to apply heat evenly until the dough is shiny and forms a thin film on the bottom of the pan.4/ Transfer the dough into a mixing bowl and beat on low speed until its 44-60℃.5/ Prepare whole eggs in a separate bowl,beaten thoroughly.Gradually beat in the eggs,a little bit at a time.6/ based on the basic éclair shape,in deck oven,bake at top heat 190℃ / bottom heat 190℃ for 5 minutes,then reduce the bottom heat to 170℃ and continue to bake for 50 minutes.Or,in convection oven,preheat oven to 160℃,then bake for 30 minutes.MAESIL GEL415 g maesil wine 13 g yuzu juice 66 g sugar 6 g agar-agarprocess:1、In a saucepan,boil 415g of maesil wine until alcohol evaporates.Continue to boil until it weighs 315g.2、Mix yuzu juice,and whisk in previously mixed sugar and agar-agar.Heat until the mixture boils.Transfer into a bowl and set in fridge.3、Blend using hand blender until the mixture turns into a soft gel.BROWN RICE GREEN TEA CREAM 53 g egg yolks 74 g sugar 24 g starch412 g milk0.5 u vanilla bean2.5 g green tea powder 6 g brown rice green tea128 g butterprocess:1、Mix egg yolks,half of sugar and starch.2、In a saucepan,heat milk,remaining sugar,vanilla bean and green tea powder until just before boiling.Add brown rice green tea to infuse.3、Gradually stir in tea infused mixture (2) into egg egg yolks mixture.4、Strain into a saucepan.Heat to cook.5、Let it cool to 45℃.6、Mix with room temperature butter using hand blender.7、Rest in fridge for 12 hours before use.GLAZE183 g fresh cream 73 g corn syrup 42 g gelatin mass (1:5)231 g white chocolate (opalys 33%)207 g white coating chocolate qs g green tea powderprocess;1、Heat fresh cream and corn syrup until just before boiling,and stir in gelatin mass.2、Pour over white chocolate melted to 35℃ and coating chocolate.Incorporate using hand blender.3、Add green tea powder,and continue to blend.Set in fridge for 12 hours.4、To use,reheat the glaze to 30℃,and mix thoroughly using hand blender.CHOCOLATE DECORATIonqs white chocolate (opalys 33%)qs cacao butterqs green tea powderqs brown rice green teaprocess:1、Place small amount of tempered white chocolate mixed with green tea powder.2、Roll into even thickness using a rolling pin.3、Wrap around an acrylic pipe.4、Let it crystallize completely,and unwrap as is.Let the chocolate break naturally,and remove film carefully to save the shapes.Store in freezer for 30 minutes.5、Mix 1 part white chocolate with 1 part cacao butter, and add green tea powder to make desired color.6、Incorate with hand blender.7、Spray over the cold surface of chocolate piece to give velvety texture,then sprinkle brown rice green tea.FINISH1、Using a small round piping tip,make 3 holes on the bottom of baked éclair.Fill with brown rice green tea cream about 90% of the cavity.2、Pipe in maesil wine gel in remaining space.Scrape off the excess around the holes.3、Glaze top of éclair,and place chocolate decoration to finish.表走开,看彩蛋哦~—▼传送门 · 戳下图·有配方▼—关注“世界烘焙配方”sjhbpf进入世界顶级烘焙殿堂!全球最新烘焙资料、最炫蛋糕图片、最时尚面包大师作品,全球名店产品展示,最详尽的配方食谱!点击阅读原文,传送至下载链接(百度云盘)转载请标注:转自微信公众号:世界烘焙配方戳一下在看嘛~你又不会怀孕! 预览时标签不可点