提示:↑点击上方"世界烘焙配方"快速关注cription-url="https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/PR7JPt3C5zawKVqAvnVjgkJkKicO3wLSfvxkngAAoDWUqJLBBmuPX3tz9EErvItMfV2IGR6HnCYhZnibRA6KM6Ww/0?wx_fmt.jpeg" data-cropselx1="0" data-cropselx2="578" data-cropsely1="0" data-cropsely2="520" data-ratio="1.249074074074074" data-s="300,640" src="http://www.yinpinjie.com/file/upload/202303/31/113828471.jpeg" data-type="jpeg" data-w="1080" />今天分享一个看似简单实则内有乾坤的泡芙吧,就是上图这个,来自巴塞罗那的chefMichel Willaume(下图)——法国里昂甜点世界杯冠军~作为一个泡芙的配方,下方看起来可能觉得有点儿繁琐甚至不知所措,简述就是大泡芙里藏着个小泡芙,各自有馅,再如图装饰就搞定啦~看到装饰上居然用了小香草棒,是不是瞬间崩溃了?自己按实际情况适当改改嘛,装饰而已不必完全一致,免得破产3urs☜今日配方下载提取码每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“阅读原文”点击进入均可下载当日配方、视频或图片文件,省去大家自己复制黏贴的麻烦,配方文件无任何水印设置;“提取码”因近日度娘抽风搞怪,暂不提供无码下载服务,只能按她的规矩来,所以下载之前先把这个“提取码”复制一下~另外,部分地区可能因为某些不可抗原因导致无法直接点击阅读原文,可以在文末的【置顶留言】中找到链接和提取码。西柚凤梨香草泡芙YUZU PINEAPPLE VANILLEBy Michel Willaume泡芙【1490 克】250 克【16.78%】水250 克【16.78%】牛奶200 克【13.42%】黄油300 克【20.13%】T55面粉(或中筋面粉) 10 克【 0.67%】盐 30 克【 2.01%】砂糖450 克【30.20%】全蛋制作:1、将水、牛奶、盐、砂糖和黄油放入厚底平底锅中煮沸。2、一次性倒入过筛的面粉搅拌均匀并继续大火加热搅拌使面糊水分蒸发形成面团状。3、离火,倒入搅拌机内,逐个加入全蛋搅拌。4、挤成大小两种规格的泡芙。5、入烤箱以180℃烘烤10分钟(关闭风门),然后降温至160℃烘烤至完成(打开风门)。泡芙酥皮(510 克)150 克【29.41%】黄油180 克【35.29%】赤砂糖/黄砂糖180 克【35.29%】T55面粉(或中筋面粉)制作:1、将全部材料混合呈均匀面团状。2、擀压至2毫米厚度,裁切为与泡芙同直径的圆片。3、烘烤前,放在待烤的泡芙顶部。柚子焦糖酱【461 克】160 克【34.71%】细砂糖100 克【21.69%】100%柚子果茸(yuzu) 60 克【13.02%】100%芒果果茸120 克【26.03%】软化黄油 1 克【 0.22%】盐 20 克【 4.34%】35%淡奶油制作:1、将砂糖放在厚底平底锅中,中小火加热煮成金黄色焦糖。2、离火,冲入提前加热锅的混合果茸将焦糖融化混合。3、将黄油加入拌融后,再次加热煮至108℃。4、用手持均质机充分搅拌乳化至细腻状,加入液态淡奶油再次搅拌,冷却待用。柚子凤梨奶油【749 克】230 克【30.71%】100%柚子果茸(yuzu)150 克【20.03%】1000%凤梨果茸 7 克【 0.93%】NH果胶粉120 克【16.02%】细砂糖100 克【13.35%】蛋白 6 克【 0.80%】吉利丁粉(200Bloom) 36 克【 4.81%】冷水100 克【13.35%】可可脂制作:1、将1/3左右的混合果茸加热至45℃,加入提前混合拌匀的NH果胶粉和细砂糖,搅拌均匀后煮沸。2、离火,加入蛋白。3、搅拌加热至75℃,将吉利丁冻(吉利丁粉+冷水)加入拌匀,然后整体与剩余的另外2/3果茸混合拌匀。4、再将融化的可可脂加入,用手持均质机(Bamix®)充分搅拌乳化。5、冷却后,挤入泡芙底部。凤梨果酱【448 克】 75 克【16.74%】100%凤梨果茸300 克【66.96%】凤梨丁(鲜切) 20 克【 4.46%】转化糖浆 40 克【 8.93%】砂糖 8 克【 1.79%】NH果胶粉 5 克【 1.21%】柠檬汁制作:1、将果茸、凤梨丁和转化糖浆混合加热至50℃。2、缓慢将提前混合的细砂糖和NH果胶粉加入拌匀并煮沸2分钟。3、离火,加入加入柠檬汁拌匀。4、倒入小球形硅胶模具内,冷冻。柚子纳姆拉卡奶油【1116 克】185 克【16.58%】100%柚子果茸(yuzu) 65 克【 5.82%】100%芒果果茸 30 克【 2.69%】葡萄糖浆380 克【34.05%】35%白巧克力(ivoire) 8 克【 0.72%】吉利丁粉(200Bloom) 48 克【 4.30%】冷水400 克【35.84%】35%淡奶油制作:1、将巧克力加热融化至40-45℃,然后将葡萄糖浆倒入。2、将果茸煮沸,加入吉利丁冻(吉利丁粉溶于冰水静置呈果冻状)搅拌融化均匀,倒在“步骤1”的巧克力上,用手持均质机充分搅拌乳化。3、将液态冷藏淡奶油加入搅拌均匀,冷藏静置8小时。入模,冷冻。香草香缇奶油【2384 克】 4 个【 0.17%】香草荚 500 克【20.97%】35%淡奶油#1 25 克【 1.05%】转化糖浆 25 克【 1.05%】葡萄糖浆 630 克【26.43%】35%白巧克力(ivoire)1200 克【50.34%】35%淡奶油#2制作:1、将香草荚剖开浸泡于500克冷藏淡奶油中隔夜。2、将另外1200克淡奶油与转化糖浆和葡萄糖浆一起加热煮沸后分次倒入融化的巧克力中搅拌至顺滑状态。3、用手持均质机充分乳化。4、将“步骤1”过滤后倒入“步骤3”中。5、充分拌匀后,冷藏隔夜。6、使用时打发至顺滑状。组装&装饰1、将大泡芙的顶部切掉,在底部挤入一层柚子焦糖酱,接着挤入柚子凤梨奶油至1/2满。2、将小泡芙内挤满凤梨果酱,然后将之放入大泡芙内。3、继续将柚子凤梨奶油挤满大泡芙,再将一片白巧克力片盖在上边。4、将冷冻的纳姆拉卡奶油放在巧克力片正中心位置,然后在其上挤香草香缇奶油。5、最后按图或自己喜爱方式点缀装饰完成。喜欢原汁原味,继续看CHEF的英文版3urs☜今日配方下载提取码每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“阅读原文”点击进入均可下载当日配方、视频或图片文件,省去大家自己复制黏贴的麻烦,配方文件无任何水印设置;“提取码”因近日度娘抽风搞怪,暂不提供无码下载服务,只能按她的规矩来,所以下载之前先把这个“提取码”复制一下~另外,部分地区可能因为某些不可抗原因导致无法直接点击阅读原文,可以在文末的【置顶留言】中找到链接和提取码。YUZU PINEAPPLE VANILLABy Michel WillaumePâte à choux250 g water250 g milk200 g butter300 g flour T5510 g salt30 g sugar450 g whole eggsprocedure:1.In a pan,bring to the boil the water,milk,salt,caster sugar and butter.2.Sieve the flour.Stir the flour in and dry the formed dough on strong heat.3.Off the heat,add the eggs one by one.4.Pipe the choux,one big and one small.5.Bake at 180℃ vent close for 10 minutes and finish baking at 160℃ vent open.Natural crunch150 g butter180 g cassonade sugar180 g flour T55procedure:1.Mix all ingredients together.2.Roll out the dough at 2mm thickness and cut into disks as the diameter of the piped choux.3.Place on top before baking.Yuzu caramel160 g sugar100 g yuzu puree 100% 60 g mango puree 100%120 g soft butter1 g salt20 g heavy cream 35% fatprocedure;1.In the saucepan,melt gradually the sugar then cook to light caramel.2.Stop the cooking by adding the pre-heated purees.3.Add the butter by stages and bring to 108℃.4.Mix with hand blender and add the cream.Reserve in the chiller.Yuzu pineapple cream230 g yuzu puree 100%150 g pineapple puree 100%7 g pectin NN120 g sugar100 g egg white6 g gelatin powder 200 Bloom36 g water100 g cocoa butterprocedure:1.Heat up one-third of the purees at 45℃,add the sugar/pectin mixture,then bring the mix to the boil.2.Take the pan off the he and add the egg whites.3.Cook at 75℃,then add the rehydrated gelatin. Combinethis mixture with the rest of the puree.4.Gradually pour the mleted cocoa butter mixing with a blender until an emulsion form.5.When cold,fill the bottom part of the éclairs.Pineapple compote 75 g pineapple puree 100%300 g fresh pineapple cubes20 g inverted sguar40 g granulated sugar8 g pectin NH5 g lemon juiceprocedure:1.Heat up purees,pineapple cubes and inverted sguar at 50℃.2.Pour slowly the mixture sugar/pectin mixing well and bring to a boil for 2 min.3.Remove from the heat and addthe lemon juice and mix well.4.Pour directly into small silicon dome forms and freeze.Yuzu namelaka185 g yuzu puree 100%65 g mango puree 100%30 g glucose380 g ivoire chocolate 35% 8g gelatin powder 200Bloom48 g water400 g heavy cream 35% fatprocedure:1.Melt the chocolate until 40/45℃ and scale the glucose on top.2.Bring to a boil the puree.Add the hydrated and melted gelatin mixing well and pour gradually the hot mixture into the melted chocolate to botain a perfect emulsion using the hand blender.3.Add teh cold liquid cream and let crystallize minimum 8 hours in the refrigerator.Mold and freeze.Vanilla whipped "chantilly" 4 u vanilla beans 500 g heavy cream 35% MG 25 g inverted sugar 25 g glucose 630 g ivoire chocolate 35%1200 g heavy cream 3% MGprocedure:1.Infuse the vanilla beans overnight into the 500g of cold cream.2.Heat up the other part of cream with inverted sguar and glucose then pour gradually the hot mixture into the melted chocolate to get a perfect emulsion.3.Pass through the hand blender.4.Strain the vanilla beans from the heavy cream and pour into the chocolate mixture.5.Mix well and reserve in fridge overnight.6.Whip to smooth consistency and pipe on top.Assembling1.Cut the top of the big choux and fill the bottom with the caramel,then hallf way with the cream.2.Fill the smallest choux with the compote and place it insde the biggest one.3.Close with cream and cover the top with a disc of colored white chocolate.4.Place the frozen namelaka in the center of the chocolate disc and pipe over the vanilla "chantlly".5.Decorate.表走开,看彩蛋哦~—▼传送门 · 戳下图· 最新圣诞&万圣资料▼—关注“世界烘焙配方”sjhbpf进入世界顶级烘焙殿堂!全球最新烘焙资料、最炫蛋糕图片、最时尚面包大师作品,全球名店产品展示,最详尽的配方食谱!点击阅读原文,传送至下载链接(百度云盘)转载请标注:转自微信公众号:世界烘焙配方戳一下在看嘛~你又不会怀孕! 预览时标签不可点