新增兼职岗位 | 是时候加入我们了!

2023-03-31 责任编辑: 667
English editorResponsibilities:1. Editing, proofreading, publishing and translating English articles;2. Coordinate with foreign editors and assisting other editing works;3. Invite foreign contributors to write articles;4. Good communication with IP practitioners, assist to carry out projects and events;Qualifications:1. English or other related major, bachelor degree or above; TEM 8; Overseas study experience is preferred;2. Have at least 1-2 years of working experience,English editor and translator experience is preferred;3.Knowledge of tea culture or relevant working experience;4. Ability to write in native English;Work time/Monday to Friday, double cease;Address/Shanghai huangpu district no. 222 huaihai roadSend your resume and design works to:Contact email/lisa@coffeeteaimagazine.comPlease attach written works for our reference!Established from 2007, Coffee t&i Magazine focuses on the coffee, tea and ice cream developments in Asia in 4 languages: Thai, English, Chinese and Vietnamese. Coffee t&i covers countries and regions including: Mainland China,Thailand,Singapore,Vietnam,Indonesia,South Korea, and Australia. Since Chinese version has entered local market since 2011, it has already covered over 92 cities through the professional distribution channels and became the most influential magazine in coffee industry.





赛制公布! CTI“味全杯”拉花大赛内容大换血,

03-31 369

True Artisan Café | 月日- 日,我们在HOTELE

03-31 545


03-31 175


03-31 43

这对小夫妻租房生活 年,开了一家不卖咖啡的咖

03-31 184

成都咖啡季半价已开启 | 这么多活动,撩到你了

03-31 57



蜜思蜜语 好街坊蛋糕 东丘咖啡机招商加盟 西摩兰咖啡招商加盟 罗纳咖啡招商加盟 广州猫屎咖啡加盟 INCHA印茶 怒鸟的茶铺 茶之恋珍珠奶茶 瑞源牛奶 咖啡弄甜品招商加盟 蜜雪冰城 美妍西饼 彦悦山 名典咖啡加盟 茶颜茶语 爱诺食尚蛋糕 榴莲一品 coffee story咖啡剧 百味密码冻酸奶
新增兼职岗位 | 是时候加入我们了! 年东京银座Cozy Corner圣诞蛋糕(已打包·可下载) 外面卖几十元一盒!自己在家做给孩子做,省钱健康又好吃? 圣诞·第三弹~开车啦,小朋友请下车→目的地:东京(已打包·可下载) 芝士别再做披萨了,和它搭才叫真好吃 赛制公布! CTI“味全杯”拉花大赛内容大换血,准备开启尖叫! True Artisan Café | 月日- 日,我们在HOTELEX等你! 你的私房产品库存——厨娘专辑来啦! 敢把圣诞蛋糕做成这样,全日本只有实力战将HENRI CHARPANTIER(已打包·可下载) 用咖啡代酒,赏味故宫海棠,共赴一场“春日雅宴” 种旺仔牛奶の神仙隐藏吃法,让你忘掉那个仔! 又一个品牌力挺云南咖啡,吨精品咖啡,让云南咖啡“一点就到家” 咖啡青年节|强势回归王府中環,坪超大场地+品牌,早鸟开票! 课程丨 折! 折! 折!王森学校上海校区『首发课程』来咯! 不出远门喝边全国种特调咖啡,就在王府中環x咖啡青年节 这款国潮风的桂花酒酿千层又被私房卖爆了! 明天早餐就吃它!一口松软,二口咸香,全家都爱! 视频课程 | 入夏续命全靠它!自制超解暑凉粉 烘焙人疫情宅在家,花样就是多! 岁的哈根达斯,为何被年轻人抛弃?

