出道就是so good名师,还获封甜点界“刀锋女神”?她是真的牛

2022-12-24 责任编辑:小伊 626
- 文末中文配方,不限时领取 -每个爱甜点的人都知道,《so good..》西点杂志是世界范围内烘焙行业的风向标刊物之一。每一期出刊,它都融汇了当下最前沿、最高端的创意,邀请的chef也是世界范围内极富天赋与创意的技术流。作品能够被《so good..》收录是很多职业甜点师的梦想之一,这是对他们技术的最高认可,很多chef甚至凭此世界闻名。比如:抖音女神Nina Tarasova▼C3D理论开创者Graham Mairs▼立方体奇才Guillaume Schoppohoven▼讲真,能够登上《so good..》西点杂志的chef们没有一个是“省油的灯”,他们大多都是经过行业和媒体多方面认证和考量的存在,在行业内也大多受人敬仰。今天我要介绍的这位“甜点女神”就是作品收录被收录在最新一期《so good..》#22里的Saray Ruiz。- so good名师- 2017年 获得Xocolata博物馆“国际巧克力数字大赛”冠军- 2012年 获得“最佳糕点特别奖”其实这并不是Saray的作品被收录在《so good..》西点杂志里,早在第13期发刊时,她就已经位列“so good名师榜”了。Saray是来自西班牙的甜点师,2014年毕业于巴塞罗那公会糕点学校(Barcelona Guild Pastry School, EPGB)。同年9月,她留校担任糕点师,也是那年她的作品被收录在《so good..》第13期刊中。“出道即巅峰”,可谓是对Saray最写实的概括了;而她的好奇心和完美主义,以及对甜点的无限热情和毋庸置疑的天赋则是她能够五年内两度出现在so good名师榜的杀手锏。比如,别的chef做各种动物造型,大多都是空心的,但Saray却会别出心裁的在每只小动物的肚子里填满巧克力糖果,观赏、美味两不误。/ 创意糖果动物造型/▼授课和研究新的甜点是Saray目前主要的工作和生活,并且她把自己的“杀手锏”也带到了她的日常教学当中。她最喜欢的一句话是:“I know that you can always improve and that is something that makes me want to continue, knowing that every day we can try to do it a little better.”“令我不断前进的动力是:我知道自己总能自我提升,因此我们可以努力尝试着今天比昨天更好一些。”她不但这样说也这样做了,在对甜点研究的过程中Saray总是热衷于去发现蛋糕的内部发生了什么反应,从而来组合更多无限的创意。作为两度登上《so good..》的甜点师,Saray对甜点的热爱和创作已经上升到了追求艺术的高度。她把女性的细腻大胆的呈现在自己作品中,虽然每款甜点或者巧克力、艺术造型都不乏小女生姿态,但却不矫揉造作。甚至有学员称她为“刀锋女神”,就是用来称赞她的甜点创作手法利索、干脆到极致的风格。该大气的地方大气,该柔和的地方柔和,该细致的地方细致,该粗犷的地方粗犷,这是Saray日常创作对自己最最基本的要求和目标。甜点要怎样做才能够做到颜值爆表又让人回味无穷呢?这个要求听起来很难,实际上做起来更难。而Saray却独有一套手法,可以让自己的作品看起来非常高规格,每一款产品随手一拍发出去都能立刻成为票圈最靓的酷盖。不管是常温糕点还是巧克力,不管是慕斯蛋糕还是艺术造型,她的点卡的都无比明确,无论配色还是造型装饰,一切看起来都十分顺畅、毫不拖泥带水。慢走,今天可是中秋小长假第三天,月饼我就不送了,Saray被收录在最新一期《so good..》#22里的原版英文配方请收下。嫑担心看不懂英文配方哈,中文配方我也已经备好了,原版配方后会放送领取方式哒。 Honey Peanut and Apricot▼Peanut crumble220g butter280g brown sugar290g salted peanut powder280g cake flourCut the butter into small dice, 05 cm, and reserve in therefrigerator.Place all the dry ingredients in the bowl of a stand mixerfitted with the whisk attachment.Beat slightly to mix the ingredients and then mix in thebutter dice. Beat to a crumble texture. Transfer to thefreezer.once frozen, roll out on a parchment paper -line sheet panand bake in the oven at 150C for approximately 12 minu-tes. Stir occasionally so that it is cooked evenly. Allow tocool down.
Peanut crust (tartelette)150g white couverture 25g butter25g peanut paste300g peanut crumble70g pailleté feuilletine10g pollenMelt the couverture and butter separately.In a mixing bowl, combine both melted fats and then addthe peanut paste. Mix until a homogeneous texture isobtained.Pour in all the dry ingredients and mix until perfectlyincorporated into the fats.Prepare a sheet pan with a silicone mat and a 16-cm ringon top. Start by pressing the dough down over the bottomwith the help of a spoon until perfectly even.Following this, place a 14-cm ring in the very center, addthe dough in between the sides of both rings and slightlypress with the inner ring towards the edges so the doughis smooth and even.Make sure the inner ring is loose enough so it comes offeasily when lifted after the interior has been placed.Reserve in the refrigerator.
Peanut sponge (insert)360g egg whites10g albumin160g sugar80g almond powder130g salted peanut powder60g cake flour125g sugarq.s. lemon zestStart by making a meringue, whipping the egg whitestogether with the albumin. once almost ready, add thesugar and continue to whip to firm peaks.Then pour in the dry ingredients (previously combinedand sifted together) and the lemon zest. Mix with a hand-held mixer. Spread the batter over a 60x40-cm sheet pan,lined with parchment paper, and level out.Bake in a fan-assisted oven at 190C, fan 2 and vent clo-sed, for 8 minutes.once cooled, cut with the help of a 12-cm ring. Preparean acetate strip, line the inside of the ring with it and thenplace the cut sponge.
Apricot and honeytoffee (insert)20g sugar20g honey40g whipping cream1g gelatin sheet40g apricot puréeDryermee the sugar. degaze wtheh honey andaddthe hot cream.aneomed geain he andfnaly the apricot purée.Cast 30 g over the sponge.
Apricot gelée (insert)500g apricot purée1.5g agar agar8 g gelatin sheetsIn a saucepan over the heat, place the apricot purée anaagar agar and mix. Allow to simmer for i minute. Removefrom the heat and allow to stop bubbling.Add then the gelatin sheets, previously hydrated.once it has slightly cooled down, pour into acetate ho-neycomb-shaped tubes.Reserve in the freezer.once ready, place on top of the toffee.
Peanut and honey crémeux (insert)235g milk235g whipping cream90g egg yolks 55g honey10g gelatin sheets360g roasted peanut paste 4g saltMake a crème anglaise with the milk, cream, honeyandeggyolks.Whisk in the previously bloomed gelatin sheets.Pour over the peanut paste, add the salt and emulsifv.Pipe into the insert mold, on top of the sponge, toffee andgelée.Freeze the insert.
Whipped apricot cream (exterior)125g cream 25g honey35g egg yolks 1/4u vanilla bean60g apricot purée 4g gelatin sheetsFirstly, make a crème anglaise without the purée and cookto839C. Add the gelatin sheets, previously bloomed, andwhisk into the crème anglaise to dissolve. Then pour intne apricot purée. Cover the surface with plastic wrap andreserve in 1k the refrigerator for 24 hours.Whip on medium speed. Pipe intoa 14-cm acetate linedne?c and place the insert. Freeze again and reserve untilneeded.
Peanut glaze123g whipping cream368g Mirroir neutral glaze98g hazelnut praliné282g milk couverture, 43% cocoa44g gelatin mass 86g waterCombine the water, cream and neutral gelatin and bringto a boil. Add the gelatin mass.Pour over the melted chocolate (if we are in a hurry, donot melt the chocolate so the temperature can descendrapidly).Process with a handheld blender. Add the praliné andprocess again.Before glazing, smooth out the edges of the mousse.
Peanut gianduja (décor)700g milk couverture250g peanut praliné 50% (200 g sugar + 200 g salted peanut)50g peanut pasteMelt the milk couverture and mix with the peanut pralinéand peanut paste.Temper to 25- 269C, always two degrees below the tem-pering temperature of the base couverture. Pipe into a0.5-cm bonbon frame, allow to crystallize and cut into 3consecutive sizes so as to make the head of the honeydipper.Make some tubes and stick to the previous preparation.Brush with gold powder and reserve in a bonbon case.【中文配方获取方式】▼第 一 步点击本文标题下蓝色字“伊莎莉卡烘焙网”第 二 步点击“进入公众号”(如未关注公众号需先点击“关注公众号”后再进行本步骤)第 三 步对话框里回复“蜂蜜花生杏子塔”,中文配方会自动弹出好了,今天的分享到此结束,我知道大家看完这个妹纸的故事后,已经和我一样佩服到五体投地了。来来来,不要吝啬你们对这位“刀锋女神”的夸奖之词,或者你希望自己的甜点之路能走多远、你的甜点偶像是谁…记得留言畅所欲言啊~- 月度好文 -7款口味面包视频|真正月饼大战原来这样?爱了:重口味软法面包|烘焙店logo设计参考IBIE展到底看什么?|如何做出完美闪电泡芙

过节记得给爸妈打个电话哦↓ ↓ ↓ 预览时标签不可点





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出道就是so good名师,还获封甜点界“刀锋女神”?她是真的牛 软软的紫薯小餐包,谁不喜欢? 永璞又双叒叕上新?花果+茶+咖啡才是真国风饮品! 小清新“嘀嗒橙”~流淌的浪漫(已打包·可下载) 想不想试试我最喜欢的南瓜挞? “口味面包才是王道”,一次更新 款配方可还行? 重要!西安站改期通知&评委阵容 | 关于这场比赛你必须知道的事 面包技术:“为什么这样割,法棍爆口才好看?” 第一时间搞定最新《SO GOOD》最养眼配方,你就是整条街最靓的仔(已打包·可下载) 这个巧克力饼干看上去好像很好吃哦 别用可乐做,鸡翅跟它才是绝配! 神级chef 和泉光一的“白色琥珀苹果”配方+完整视频来啦!(已打包·可下载) 童年回忆!可以撕着吃,一起分享的星星蜂蜜脆底小面包~ 威化饼人人都吃过,但做法你肯定想不到! 大陆海关总署发布禁令,岛内烘焙行业损失惨重! 打造年属于自家的咖啡馆,你首先要了解这些才能进阶 越嚼越香!简单快手【奶香酷脆棒】!网红酷脆酱+坚果內馅~真香!真棒! 想在上海喝到“高质量创意咖啡”,这家店绝不踩雷(文末有福利) 烘焙师的高薪! 直播 | 大咖发声:烘焙技术如何更新、怎样打开店铺运营思路…

