生活的便利带来的越来越多是不费力的唾手可得,是对比比皆是的事物索然无味,是无趣里寻找危险的刺激。凡几在这样的势头里,开了一间莫名其妙的超市。创意人将化身为一间间便利店,贩卖那些不便利的事物,无法快销的生意,一丝小到可以忽略不计的生活滋味。这里没有要发生大事情,也没有重金打造的兴奋,却能趁着圣诞老人的降临,捕捉某个直击心灵的时刻,不刻意、不小心。12/19-12/20在陕康里,如果你没事,来超市逛逛,与凡几一起庆祝4岁生日。As city life continues to make itself too convenient, it becomes boring as we settle down into a routine. Countering against that trend we decided to open up a Super Market where we no longer sell your typical "convenience", instead we are going to sell uniquely designed fun products that you would not be able to find at your standard convenience store! Come celebrate our 4th anniversary at Shangkangli from 12/19-12/20! (Scan mini program code above to purchase tickets!)现场关注凡几微信即可免费拿一个餐巾纸包Get a tissue pack when you subscribe to our WeChat那些生活中最不被提起的习惯,都无趣得很理所应当。睡觉要盖被子、喝水要用杯子、写字要有本子,这些无人问津的习惯,都在这里展现新的点子。这次当Lifestyle品牌都以便利店的形式出现,你又会在这里找到什么新的生活滋味?Habits that are least mentioned in life all seem boring and justified. Nonetheless, there often comes a time when these uninteresting habits birth new styles and ideas, so make sure to come explore our latest curation of local independent brands!没有什么比食物的香气更能抓住人流的脚步,熟食饮品区就是超市的灵魂所在。这里的美食酒水有比超市货架更加细腻的味蕾捕捉能力,超越速冻冰柜的烹饪等级,为这间大超市带来超越当日送达的新鲜。Nothing can catch the attention of people more than the smell of food. We believe that the hot food section of a supermarket is its beating heart. However, at our "market", the level of cooking surpasses the freshness that same-day delivery brings, which adds another layer that a regular supermarket will never have, so start your diet after the holiday season people :)想祝小朋友们圣诞快乐,暖心的innocent天真大爱小帽,带着志愿者的祝福再次和大家见面了。好喝的鲜打原果、可爱的圣诞小帽,还有现场编织志愿者体验,让小帽子的爱心好事继续发生吧。左滑查看更多照片 Scoll left to see more可爱的咖啡伙伴三顿半又来啦!「限定圣诞特饮」会有的,「特别主题周边」也会有的,升级后的“不插电吧台”,给你带来不一样的新鲜体验。这个圣诞,咖啡喝起,“超市”逛起吧。这里并不是传统超市里那些印着童话的A4文件夹,也不是蓝红分割的横条笔记本,而是生活中集满灵感点数的插画作品。你将在这里找到比彩色笔还令人兴奋的笔触,比生活还要贴切的故事情节,还有日常匮乏的灵感便利。There are no standard notebooks or notepads here, but instead we have artworks filled with inspiration from 11 independent illustrators.每次去替宠物购物时却不能问问他们的意见?这次小事情大超市宠物friendly,带他们一起逛超市吧!不管是吃的还是穿的,宠物用品区将提供属于他们的生活方式,如果你还没有宠物,这次还将现场进行宠物领养活动!This time at our 4 year anniversary event, we are going pet friendly! Bring your pet along to purse the pet supplies area for their own food and clothes. If you don’t have a pet, there will be a pet adoption section!-credit: NICETOMEETYOU这次凡几四岁生日邀请到了谭阿梨跟我们一起庆祝,她是一位独立设计师、插画师还是随机事件设计工作室创始人,小红花贩卖机品牌主理人。喜欢与植物有关的一切,喜欢不断尝试各种表现形式的创作,不愿意给自己设定界限。本次展览想要打造一个“随机超市”,展览将会拆分成很多个小的区域,除了展出大家都熟悉的“小红花贩卖机系列”的作品还将展出“花园里系列”和“my life系列”的作品。Weibo: @谭阿梨Lynn小红书 Red:@谭阿梨LynnWe are beyond excited to invite illustrator Lynn to join our 4 year old birthday bash! She was the first artist that came to our mind when we decided on our "Super Market"theme. She will be showcasing 3 different series of her artwork on 12/19-12/20!除了往常市集所聚集的独立品牌外,小事情大超市也将带来特别入驻,他们将以更加特别的形式呈现他们对生活的创意,在这一闪即逝的周末,带来把臂而谈的新奇。In addition to the usual independent brands gathering at our markets, the brands mentioned below will be taking up a few special spots. They are here to present their creativity in life on this fleeting weekend, perhaps in a form never seen before.继上次在Breaking Grounds地下市后,这一次决定干脆开个超市菜肉档:街坊老少,出去别说我们满足不了你。/“科学护肤艺术家”,UNISKIN优时颜秉承科学护肤理念,为中国消费者提供针对性抗初老护肤产品与体验,以科技驱动年轻肌态之美。这次他们品牌选取机舱概念,装置呈现“航行中”的状态,以传达UNISKIN优时颜“持续探索”的品牌理念。/PAPER VOICE® 是来自中国的奇趣生活品牌,诞生于2017年。以独特美学体系及精彩无限的创意彰显礼赠礼遇概念主旨,其产品特色是不凡的工艺与卓越的品质。如今,不断发挥创意与工匠精神,创造惊喜与奇幻、和令人意想不到的新奇物件已经成为品牌的始终追求与外在认知。这次在现场也会带来一次全新的POP-UP店!/继上一次在"一起凡几",The Melting Pot为大家进行了现场黑胶DJ后,这次活动再次邀请他们为“逛超市”这件事打造独有的音乐氛围,他们不仅将掌控2F的播放列表,还为此次VIP周边定制了一份Mixtape CD。After performing for everyone at Common Gathering last time, The Melting Pot is invited to create an unique atmosphere for our 4 year anniversary. They will not only control the playlist on the second floor, but will also include a customized Mixtape CD for our VIP ticket holders.大冷天配热饮,圣诞节配凡几市集,这些天衣无缝的组合,而一间“超市”又该配什么样的现场节目?除了现场燃点DJ live set,还将有弹唱系的全面升级,更丰富的舞蹈内容。Our live programs have been upgraded to a new level this time, in addition to performances led by lead singers from different local indie bands, there will also be a dance performance scheduled on both days. The DJ lineup once again invites YUEN HSIEH, XIWI and EBP to bring you enthusiastic rhythm to bop to as you browse through our market.-flip side/chinese football/gacha gacha乐队主唱徐波这次弹唱系特别邀请了《中国好声音》选手Moses的重磅回归、flip side/chinese football/gacha gacha乐队主唱徐波、独立流行乐队浪味仙贝主唱冯浛 aka.Zoo酱、以及独立音乐人丁恩浩。-独立流行乐队浪味仙贝主唱冯浛 aka.Zoo酱《中国好声音》选手Moses (左)、独立音乐人丁恩浩(右)《这就是街舞》第三季选手子杰以及全能型编舞师Carrie(芋头)+Da Chichi将为现场带来挑动肢体神经的舞蹈表演。而DJ阵容这次再次邀请了YUEN HSIEH、XIWI、EBP为你逛超市的步伐带来蹦迪式的节奏感。关于圣诞礼包先别失望的太早,这盒牛奶里没有牛奶,却有满满一盒的超市补给。此期凡几周边将带来“不装菜网格买菜袋”、“防风防寒套头毛线帽”、“The Melting Pot Mix唱片CD”,让你过个好冬。另外还有轩尼诗V.S.O.P 50ml小酒伴、三顿半冷萃超即溶™️—9颗装超级杯、Paper voice火柴盒、Uniskin优时颜的30元优惠券,眼霜及#6.3试用装、innocent天真的一瓶果汁和”大爱小帽”编织包、BADMARKET的别白漂斜挎包、荒核15ml香薰体验装、及Tagi的手机支架(随意一款),全都装凡几x谭阿梨牛奶盒里。Our limited quantity VIP packs have been one of the most sought-after products! Not only you will get a handful of our "Super Market' limited edition merch- net tote, beanie, mixtape CD from the melting pot. You will also receive a Hennessy V.S.O.P 50ml pack, Saturnbird Super Instant Coffee—MIX 9, Paper voice matchbox, Uniskin 30 RMB coupon + sample bundle, innocent juice + knitting pack, BADMARKET shoulder bag, Nuwilds 15ml diffuser, Tagi phone popper, and a XL milk carton designed by Illustrator Lynn.-一张VIP纸质门票 VIP paper ticket-所有以上的产品 All of the products above-一个特大号 "凡几x谭阿梨"牛奶盒 和 一个限定款毛帽1 XL milk carton and 1 limited edition beanie-“不装菜网格买菜袋”1 net tote-the melting pot x 凡几 mixtape CD1 free mixtape CD from The Melting Pot x Common Rare-一个来自我们合作商家的随机产品1 random product from our brands越界 陕康里康定路358号陕康里6号楼2-3楼2-3/F of Building 6Shankangli, No. 358 Kangding Road作为锦和集团为上海城市更新打造的又一力作,锦和越界陕康里位于上海市静安区康定路358号,项目前身为上海重要的材料工业集散地静江建材市场,由锦和商业运营及管理,打造成为引领时尚生活方式的经典街区。项目秉持越界一贯将建筑与环境相融合的设计态度,在保留原有结构框架的前提下,充分将时间、空间、功能与外部形态各个元素融合贯穿。植入庭院、露台、玻璃幕墙以及开放式街区主入口,为客户营造沉浸式体验环境,形成时下潮流的时尚社交消费圈。已入驻时下多家炙手可热的人气餐厅、精品咖啡、甜品工坊、特色酒吧、创意设计、潮流资讯企业等高端品牌,园区为入驻商业、文科创企业办公提供定制化服务。活动时间 TIME12 / 19 - 12 / 20周六 Sat & 周日Sun12:00 - 21:30 PM活动地点 VENUE静安区 康定路358号陕康里6号楼2-3楼2-3/F of Building 6Shankangli, No. 358 Kangding Road票价 TICKET早鸟单人票 Early Bird Ticket 55 元(活动两天现场票 At the Door 65 元)早鸟两人同行票 Early Bird Tickets for 2 100元限量VIP“福袋”票Limited VIP Tickets 149 元(含一张门票,includes one entry ticket)/ 特 别 合 作 品 牌 /轩尼诗隶属于路威酩轩集团(LVMH),是全球享有盛誉的干邑品牌。1818年,轩尼诗V.S.O.P诞生,它的诞生为干邑世界奠定了质量标准。- - - - - - - - - -/ 特 别 合 作 媒 体 // 合 作 票 务 方 /- - - 撰 写 W R I T T E N B Y /K O A N L I N & K E V. C H E N/凡几品牌及文章排版图文素材设计版权归凡几Common Rare所有。未经许可不得随意擅用上述图文及文字,已获得授权的内容应当在授权范围内使用,并注明来源。违反上述声明依法追求其法律责任。 预览时标签不可点