CTI招聘 | English editor

2023-03-15 责任编辑: 831
English editorResponsibilities:1. Editing, proofreading, publishing and translating English articles;2. Coordinate with foreign editors and assisting other editing works;3. Invite foreign contributors to write articles;4. Good communication with IP practitioners, assist to carry out projects and events;Qualifications:1. English or other related major, bachelor degree or above; TEM 8; Overseas study experience is preferred;2. Have at least 1-2 years of working experience,English editor and translator experience is preferred;3.Knowledge of tea culture or relevant working experience;4. Ability to write in native English;Work time/Monday to Friday, double cease;Address/Shanghai huangpu district no. 222 huaihai roadSend your resume and design works to:Contact email/lisa@coffeeteaimagazine.comPlease attach written works for our reference!Established from 2007, Coffee t&i Magazine focuses on the coffee, tea and ice cream developments in Asia in 4 languages: Thai, English, Chinese and Vietnamese. Coffee t&i covers countries and regions including: Mainland China,Thailand,Singapore,Vietnam,Indonesia,South Korea, and Australia. Since Chinese version has entered local market since 2011, it has already covered over 92 cities through the professional distribution channels and became the most influential magazine in coffee industry.点击阅读原文 订阅CTI《咖啡茶与冰淇淋》杂志 预览时标签不可点





馆主招募 | 《上海咖啡攻略》向你发出邀请函了

03-15 414


03-15 208

《上海咖啡攻略》馆主招募 | 最重要的相聚,不

03-15 788

招募 | 反刻板印象!她们告诉女性还可以这样活

03-15 148

揭秘la marzocco 全新机型kb | 你想知道的都

03-15 617


03-15 526



蜜思蜜语 好街坊蛋糕 东丘咖啡机招商加盟 西摩兰咖啡招商加盟 罗纳咖啡招商加盟 广州猫屎咖啡加盟 INCHA印茶 怒鸟的茶铺 茶之恋珍珠奶茶 瑞源牛奶 咖啡弄甜品招商加盟 蜜雪冰城 美妍西饼 彦悦山 名典咖啡加盟 茶颜茶语 爱诺食尚蛋糕 榴莲一品 coffee story咖啡剧 百味密码冻酸奶
CTI招聘 | English editor 馆主招募 | 《上海咖啡攻略》向你发出邀请函了 茶饮品牌估值几十亿,潮牌月入五亿,为什么中国所有的消费品都值得重做一遍? 《上海咖啡攻略》馆主招募 | 最重要的相聚,不想你错过 招募 | 反刻板印象!她们告诉女性还可以这样活着 揭秘la marzocco 全新机型kb | 你想知道的都在这里 那些看着很酷的“海漂”咖啡师,日子过的怎么样? 招聘汇总 | 寻找最合适的你 活动预告 | WLAC世界冠军邀您一起亲身体验E /E E 最后一波订阅大礼,来把咖啡年货带回家 年会流行吃喝什么?认认真真 mark 完这份清单才出门 开年招聘 | 职位更新,虚位以待 “人在家中躺,好咖啡轻松来!”我的新年愿望越来越接近了! 最后份订阅礼,别再错过了 你的咖啡,要加“超级奶”吗? 场地招募 | CTI味全杯拉花大赛官宣七大赛区!等你加入,引爆全场 咖啡季游戏指南丨整个城市都是你的咖啡游乐场! 寒冬里,这个品牌为何能把冰淇淋卖的热火朝天? 新年招聘 | ,不想换个活法吗? Shake Shake!可以随身冲泡的奶茶,一秒打破“茶”与年轻人的时差

