提示:↑点击上方"世界烘焙配方"快速关注cription-url="https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/PR7JPt3C5zawKVqAvnVjgkJkKicO3wLSfvxkngAAoDWUqJLBBmuPX3tz9EErvItMfV2IGR6HnCYhZnibRA6KM6Ww/0?wx_fmt.jpeg" data-cropselx1="0" data-cropselx2="578" data-cropsely1="0" data-cropsely2="255" data-ratio="0.9475" data-s="300,640" src="http://www.yinpinjie.com/file/upload/202302/27/095300431.jpeg" data-type="jpeg" data-w="800" />chef Frédéric Cassel(下图)的经典创作,很简单,三个小配方搞定!店官网(复制到浏览器打开):https://www.frederic-cassel.com7h9j☜今日配方下载提取码每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“阅读原文”点击进入均可下载当日配方、视频或图片文件,省去大家自己复制黏贴的麻烦,配方文件无任何水印设置;“提取码”因近日度娘抽风搞怪,暂不提供无码下载服务,只能按她的规矩来,所以下载之前先把这个“提取码”复制一下~另外,部分地区可能因为某些不可抗原因导致无法直接点击阅读原文,可以在文末的【置顶留言】中找到链接和提取码。草莓米布丁达克瓦兹ParFrédéric Cassel杏仁达克瓦兹【940克】270 克……白杏仁粉270 克……糖粉100 克……细砂糖300 克……巴氏灭菌蛋白制作:1、将糖粉与杏仁粉混合拌匀。2、将蛋白放入搅拌缸内用球桨搅打并将细砂糖分三次加入,打发至软尖峰状的蛋白霜。3、将“步骤1”的杏仁粉/糖粉加入到蛋白霜中,用胶刮刀手动搅拌均匀(注意不要用球桨),立即使用。灌模:4、按须可以准备直径8cm、17cm、21cm和28cm的2cm高度的金属圆环模具(当然也可以每样都做一个),放在铺有烘焙纸的烤盘上,模具内壁涂油并衬入同样2cm高度的耐烤纸。5、将面糊装入裱花袋,用10号(适用于大蛋糕)或8号花嘴(适用于小蛋糕)在模具底部挤满一层,再在模具边缘挤球形。6、表面撒一层糖粉,静置15分钟后再筛一次糖粉,最后撒适量杏仁片。烘烤:7、风炉170℃烘烤25-35分钟(取决于模具的大小),注意要打开风门,防止烤箱内蒸汽聚集过多导致出炉后蛋糕凹陷,这样可以保持其烤熟后外表酥脆,内里柔软。8、出炉冷却后,脱模,放在烤盘上覆盖保鲜膜,冷冻。香草米布丁【1801克】125 克……大米750 克……牛奶375 克……淡奶油 50 克……细砂糖 1 个……香草荚500 克……马斯卡彭乳酪制作:1、将大米洗净并冲洗几次,尽量去除淀粉。2、将大米与牛奶、淡奶油和剖开刮籽的香草荚一起煮沸,降低到最小火将大米煮熟,保持搅拌防止糊底。3、最后将细砂糖加入,离火,加入马斯卡彭乳酪拌匀,静置于低温处。意大利香醋草莓库哩【1350克】1000 克……草莓果茸 40 克……柠檬汁 150 克……细砂糖 30 克……NH果胶 80 克……转化糖浆 50 克……意大利香醋(balsamic vinegar)*制作:1、将草莓果茸和转化糖浆一起放入厚底平底锅中加热至40℃。2、倒入提前混匀的细砂糖与NH果胶粉并搅拌均匀。3、煮沸并将柠檬汁和香醋加入拌匀。4、倒入硅胶模具内(直径12.5cm及直径15cm),冷冻。※意大利香醋(balsamic vinegar)*下图示:淘宝应该有,不用太在意品牌,不过最好是意大利产的。组装&装饰1、冷冻取出“杏仁达克瓦兹”,挤入一层“香草米布丁”,放入一片冷冻的“意大利香醋草莓库哩”。2、边缘撒适量糖粉,撒入适量切丁草莓,再继续挤入“香草米布丁”。3、装饰以鲜草莓、薄荷叶完成。喜欢原汁原味继续英文版7h9j☜今日配方下载提取码每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“阅读原文”点击进入均可下载当日配方、视频或图片文件,省去大家自己复制黏贴的麻烦,配方文件无任何水印设置;“提取码”因近日度娘抽风搞怪,暂不提供无码下载服务,只能按她的规矩来,所以下载之前先把这个“提取码”复制一下~另外,部分地区可能因为某些不可抗原因导致无法直接点击阅读原文,可以在文末的【置顶留言】中找到链接和提取码。RICE PUDDING DACQUOISEWITH BALSAMIC STRAWBERRIESBy Frédéric CasselALMOND DACQUOISE270 g powdered white almonds270 g icing sugar100 g caster sugar300 g pasteurised egg whitesprocedure:1/ Mix the icing sugar and powdered almonds.2/ Whisk the egg whites in the mixer bowl with a whisk; add one-third of the caster sugar and whisk, add another third and repeat, then add the remaining sugar; whisk again until you obtain a soft meringue.3/ By hand, add the icing sugar/powdered almond mixture to the meringue, gently lifting the preparation with a spatula, and not by whipping. Use immediately.CUTTING THE DACQUOISE BISCUIT4/ Place rings 8, 17, 21 and 28 cm in Ø and 2 cm high, buttered and lined with a 2 cm high strip of silicone paper, on a baking sheet covered with baking parchment.5/ Using a piping bag fitted with a plain no. 10 nozzle for the dessert size and no. 8 nozzle for the individual desserts; fill the bottom of the rings with dacquoise biscuit, starting from the centre and forming a spiral.Pipe balls of dacquoise biscuit side by side all around the edge.6/ Sprinkle lightly with icing sugar twice, at 15 minutes intervals, to get a “pearl” effect. Sprinkle with almond sticks.BAKING THE DACQUOISE BISCUIT7/ Bake the dacquoise biscuit in a fan-assisted oven at 170°C for 25 to 35 minutes depending on the size, leaving the steam open to prevent the dacquoise from swelling and falling back immediately due to the concentrated steam in the oven.When cooked, it remains resistant – crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.8/ Allow to cool before removing from the rings and storing on a plate covered with cling film in the freezer.VANILLA RICE PUDDING125 g rice750 g milk375 g whipping cream 50 g sugar 1 u vanilla pod500 g mascarponeprocedure:1/ Wash and rinse the rice several times to remove as much starch as possible.2/ Boil the milk and cream with the scraped vanilla pod, lower the heat to its lowest setting and cook the rice gently, stirring constantly.3/ Add the sugar at the end of cooking; to stop cooking, add the mascarpone, mix and keep in a cool place.BALSAMIC STRAWBERRY COULIS1000 g strawberry puree 40 g lemon juice 150 g caster sugar 30 g pectin NH 80 g trimoline 50 g balsamic vinegarprocedure:1/ Bring the purée and trimoline to 40°C in a saucepan.2/ Drizzle in the sugar/pectin mixture while whisking.3/ Finish cooking with the lemon juice and balsamic vinegar.4/ Pour discs of coulis into the flexipans, diameter 12.5 for the 4-portion and 15 for the 6-portion.ASSEMBLY1/ Take a base of dacquoise, use a piping bag to apply a little rice pudding, lay the disc of jelly on top.2/ Put on more rice pudding, sprinkle the edges of the dacquoise with sugar, arrange some chopped strawberries on top and cover with exotic jelly.3/ Decorate with PCB strawberries, freeze-dried and some strawberry powdered meringue pieces.表走开,看彩蛋哦~—▼传送门 · 戳下图·有配方▼—关注“世界烘焙配方”sjhbpf进入世界顶级烘焙殿堂!全球最新烘焙资料、最炫蛋糕图片、最时尚面包大师作品,全球名店产品展示,最详尽的配方食谱!点击阅读原文,传送至下载链接(百度云盘)转载请标注:转自微信公众号:世界烘焙配方戳一下在看嘛~你又不会怀孕! 预览时标签不可点