↑点击"世界烘焙配方"关注cription-url="https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/PR7JPt3C5zawKVqAvnVjgkJkKicO3wLSfvxkngAAoDWUqJLBBmuPX3tz9EErvItMfV2IGR6HnCYhZnibRA6KM6Ww/0?wx_fmt.jpeg" data-cropselx1="0" data-cropselx2="578" data-cropsely1="0" data-cropsely2="636" data-ratio="1.240625" data-s="300,640" src="http://www.yinpinjie.com/file/upload/202211/18/170750871.jpeg" data-type="jpeg" data-w="1280" >今天继续chef Antonio Bachour配方金灿灿食欲满满!这两种水果应该是多数人都非常喜欢的吧~742q☜今日配方下载提取码每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“阅读原文”点击进入均可下载当日配方、视频或图片文件,省去大家自己复制黏贴的麻烦,配方文件无任何水印设置;“提取码”因近日度娘抽风搞怪,暂不提供无码下载服务,只能按她的规矩来,所以下载之前先把这个“提取码”复制一下~另外,部分地区可能因为某些不可抗原因导致无法直接点击阅读原文,可以在文末的【置顶留言】中找到链接和提取码。芒果百香果可颂MANGO PASSION FRUIT CROISSANTBy Antonio Bachour配方量:12个黄油可颂面团【677克】188 克……高筋面粉188克……中筋面粉 56克……细砂糖 2克……盐200克……全脂牛奶 25克……冷的无盐黄油 18克……鲜酵母适量克……不沾烤盘喷剂步骤:1、将高筋粉、中筋粉、糖、盐、牛奶和黄油放入搅拌缸内用勾桨(hook attachment)低速搅拌3分钟,然后加入酵母继续搅拌20分钟。2、用手撑开面团,不破裂并出现薄膜,即为完美状态,面团需要有延展性。3、将面团放入涂油的盆中室温静置松弛30分钟,然后覆盖薄膜冷藏隔夜。芒果卡仕达【885克】 80克……蛋黄(约4个蛋黄)125 克……细砂糖 60克……玉米淀粉448克……全脂牛奶112 克……芒果果茸 60 克……无盐黄油步骤:1、将蛋黄、砂糖和玉米淀粉在小盆内搅拌打散,在中号平底锅中将牛奶和芒果果茸煮沸。2、将热牛奶果茸冲入蛋黄中拌匀,再整体倒回平底锅中煮沸,并保持沸腾30秒,然后加入黄油充分拌匀。3、倒入盆中并用保鲜膜贴面密封,冷藏。芒果百香果啫喱冻【812克】105 克……细砂糖 12克……NH果胶粉300克……百香果果茸150克……杏子果茸150克……鲜芒果(切丁) 75 克……葡萄糖浆 20克……柠檬汁步骤:1、将细砂糖和NH果胶粉在小盆中混合拌匀。2、将两种果茸、芒果丁、葡萄糖浆以及柠檬汁在中号厚底平底锅中加热至40℃,然后将“步骤1”的砂糖和NH果胶加入并拌匀,煮沸。配方来自微信公众号:世界烘焙配方。3、将之倒入30cm的方形模具框内(铺垫保鲜膜),冷却后放入冰箱冷藏。4、冷藏凝固定型后,裁切为直径4cm的圆形,继续冷藏待用。蛋奶液【903克】200克……蛋黄140克……稀奶油280克……全脂牛奶280克……全蛋 3 克……盐制作:1、全部混合搅拌均匀(搅拌器或者手持均质机)。整形&烘烤1、醒发室调至28℃。2、烤盘喷烤盘不沾喷雾油并铺垫烘焙纸。3、工作台撒适量手粉,将可颂面团擀压为76x25cm,0.4cm厚度的长方形。4、用直径10cm的梅花形模具将之裁切出12个梅花形,表面涂刷蛋液。5、将芒果卡仕达酱爱干装入裱花袋(内置5号花嘴),每个面团中心位置挤30克,然后放在烤盘上送入醒发室醒发2小时。6、烤箱(风炉)预热至175℃。7、醒发后再次涂刷蛋液,入烤箱以175℃烘烤约18分钟至呈金黄色,出炉后立刻置于晾晒网上冷却。8、将融化的温热的镜面果胶涂刷在刚出炉的可颂上。9、待其冷却后将圆形芒果百香果啫喱冻放在可颂中间位置。喜欢原汁原味继续CHEF的英文版n28x☜今日配方下载提取码每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“阅读原文”点击进入均可下载当日配方、视频或图片文件,省去大家自己复制黏贴的麻烦,配方文件无任何水印设置;“提取码”因近日度娘抽风搞怪,暂不提供无码下载服务,只能按她的规矩来,所以下载之前先把这个“提取码”复制一下~另外,部分地区可能因为某些不可抗原因导致无法直接点击阅读原文,可以在文末的【置顶留言】中找到链接和提取码。MANGO PASSION FRUIT CROISSANTBy Antonio Bachourfor:12 croissantsBUTTER CROISSANT DOUG188 g bread flour188 g all-purpose flour 56 g granulated sugar 2 g salt200 g whole milk 25 g cold unsalted butter 18 g fresh yeast qs g non-stick sprayProcedure:1.In a mixer fitted with the hook attachment combine bread four, all-purpose flour,sugar,salt,milk and butter and mix on low speed. After 3 minutes add yeast and mix for 20 minutes.2.Pick the dough (a handful) between the hands and stretch. If it does not break and creats a thin elastic dough, it is perfect. It must have some elasticity.3.Prepare a large bowl with nonstick spray. Put the dough in and leave it to rest for 30 minutes at room temperature. Cover and refrigerate overnight.MANGO PASTRY CREAM 80 g egg yolks(4 u)125 g granulated sugar 60 g cornstarch448 g whole milk112 g mango puree 60 g unsalted butterProcedure:1.In a small bowl mix the egg yolks,sugar and cornstarch together. In a medium pot brign the milk and mango puree to a boil.2.Temper the egg yolk mixture with the warm milk.Return the contents to the pan and bring to a boil. once boiling,cook for 30 seconds. Add the butter and mix well.3.Pour into a bowl and top with a piece of plastic wrap (make sure it touches the top of the pastry cream so it doesn't develop a skin),then refrigerate until cool.MANGO PASSION FRUIT JELLY105 g granulated sugar 12 g pectin NH300 g passion fruit puree150 g apricot puree150 g fresh mango,diced 75 g glucose 20 g lemon juiceProcedure:1.In a small bowl mix sugar and pectin together.2.In a medium pot heat purees,diced mango,glucose and lemon juice to about 40℃ and stir in sugar and pectin NH mix. Bring to a boil.3.Pour hot mixture into 30cm frames previously lined with plastic wrap.Cool and store in the refrigerator.4.When cool cut into 4cm diameter rounds and reserve in the refrigerator until used.EGG WASH200 g egg yolks140 g heavy cream280 g whole milk280 g whole eggs 3 g saltProcedure:1.In a medium bowl mix everything together.SHAPE,PROOF,BAKE ANDASSEMBLY1.Heat a proofing box to 28℃.2.Spray one sheet pan with nonstick spray and line with parchment paper.3.Lightly flour the work surface. Roll the croissant dough into a rectangle about 76x25cm and 0.4cm thick.4.With a 10cm flower shaped cutter cut 12 croissant dough flowers. Brush each croissant lightly with egg wash.5.Transfer the mango pastry cream to a pastry bag with a #5 plain tip. Pipe 30g of the mango pastry cream onto the center of each one. Place on the parchment lined baking sheet. Let proof about 2 hours.6.Preheat a convection oven to 175℃.7.Brush again with egg wash. Bake for about 18 minutes until golden brown. Set immediately on a cooling rack.8.Brush the pastries with warm nappage while it is hot.9.Let cool and place the mango passion fruit jelly in the center of each croissant.表走开,看彩蛋哦~—▼传送门 · 戳下图·有配方▼—关注“世界烘焙配方”sjhbpf进入世界顶级烘焙殿堂!全球最新烘焙资料、最炫蛋糕图片、最时尚面包大师作品,全球名店产品展示,最详尽的配方食谱!点击阅读原文,传送至下载链接(百度云盘)转载请标注:转自微信公众号:世界烘焙配方戳一下在看嘛~你又不会怀孕! 预览时标签不可点