咖啡沙龙这次搜罗13年世界赛前六名的比赛视频,让大家感受咖啡冲煮的魅力。咖啡冲煮,可简单可繁复,但本质还是为了冲煮出最佳的咖啡风味,所以首要还是先要理解豆子,然后一切围绕豆子本身或者你想要表现的风味,去选取磨豆机、冲煮器具、冲煮手法。不要本末倒置,不同的豆子,应该有不同的冲煮方案。第一名:第二名:第三名:第四名:第五名:第六名:The World Brewers Cup competition highlights the craft of filter coffee brewing by hand, promoting manual coffee brewing and service excellence.世界手冲咖啡大赛旨在突显手冲滴滤咖啡的冲煮技艺。In this Championship, competitors prepare and serve three individual beverages for a panel of judges. The Championship consists of two rounds: a first round and a finals round. During the first round competitors complete two coffee services – a compulsory service and an open service. For the compulsory service, competitors prepare three beverages utilizing whole bean coffee provided to them by the competition. For the open service, competitors may utilize any whole bean coffee of their choosing and must also accompany their beverage preparation with a presentation. The six competitors with the highest score from the first round will go on to compete in the finals round consisting exclusively of an open service. One competitor from the final round will be named the World Brewers Cup Champion. ☆ 投稿请发:tips@coffeesalon.com
World Brewers Cup 2013 世界冲煮大赛前六名视频合集